THIS is exactly why I chose lapband

D. Scott
on 2/10/11 2:24 am
RNY with
So I had to have my band completely unfilled yesterday (due to a possible ulcer). Its the first time its been empty in nearly two years. First of all I can tell you I discovered almost immediately I have been living with my band way too tight for a long time and only now realize it, but  I can't tell you how awesome it is to feel "normal" again. I don't think I know if I could have experienced "normal" again with another procedure. Plus I get the opportunity to start again. I LOVE it! I just joined WW's yesterday so I have so much drive to eat well and exercise while I am unfilled but I have even more dirve to stick to my band rules when I start fills again. Wish me luck that I dont gain during this process :)

I have plenty of reasons I love my band, this is just one...Can you add a reason you love your band to motivate others? :)

Sleeve Revision from Lap-band November 23, 2012

     Starting Weight: 236 Lowest Weight w/ Lap-Band: 160 Current Weight: 190

                                         Goal Weight: 150...40lbs to go

HD Mama
on 2/10/11 2:37 am
Good luck Sarah!  Why do they need to a complete unfill with an ulcer (just curious)....I was surprised to read that Lisette discounted your complaints previously - I would be ticked off.  When will you be able to get fluid back in?  Did they say whether you'd have to do it gradually or if they'd just put a decent amount in from the start? (I know you have a bit of a drive to the office, so I hope they don't make you come back a million times, LOL).
D. Scott
on 2/10/11 3:11 am
RNY with
Lisette is very nice but never listens to my needs. I felt bad yesterday when she came in the room and I had to remind her politely that I needed to see Dr. Mcvey which is who I made the appt. with. Dr. Mcvey was awesome though. She listened completely to what was going on, had some ideas, and ordered tests then unfilled me, but explained entirely why etc.

As for refilling, I won't be able to put anything back in until after the endoscopy to confirm there is an ulcer. If that is confirmed than I had to remain unfilled for several weeks. I really dont mind at this point because I have been suffering for months and haven't been able to figure out why my iron levels continue to drop even though I am taking suplements (which have hurt like mad to get down). I also am ok with working my way back slowly to restriction. I may change my tune if I start gaining but I have been uncomfortable for quite a while so I am eager to try and feel more normal and test my own will power a touch..scared, but eager. Plus I just bought LA Zoo Passes for the family so I'll make a day out of my fills, lol. 

Thank You!

Sleeve Revision from Lap-band November 23, 2012

     Starting Weight: 236 Lowest Weight w/ Lap-Band: 160 Current Weight: 190

                                         Goal Weight: 150...40lbs to go

(deactivated member)
on 2/10/11 2:39 am
Hi Sarah,

I hope everything turns out okay for you -- when I read your other post about the ulcer that was my thought too. What if you had the rny and a blind stomach that can't be scoped? It's also very wise of you to do the WW -- the accountability should help a lot.  Best of luck to you!

One of my favorite things about the band is the adjustabiltiy feature -- if you are ever in a season of life where you need more nourishment (pregnancy, illness, whatever) or if you are going to a place where there is zero medical care of the band nature you can have it partially or totally unfilled.

D. Scott
on 2/10/11 3:12 am
RNY with
Thank you!

Sleeve Revision from Lap-band November 23, 2012

     Starting Weight: 236 Lowest Weight w/ Lap-Band: 160 Current Weight: 190

                                         Goal Weight: 150...40lbs to go

Kate -True Brit
on 2/10/11 6:48 am - UK

My best wishes for sorting out the possible ulcer and for fighting that weight!

Another reason to love my band......

Taking the adjustability bit one step further and linking it with the fact we don't malabsorb -
If ever I need chemo for cancer or similar, they can loosen my band to allow the pills down (if they are big!) and I will absorb all the drugs! One of our vets works with clinical trials for chemo and they exclude people with malabsorpion issues.


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


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