
on 2/4/11 11:48 pm
 Has anyone noticed they feel bad when they eat alot of carbs?  Specifically headaches and chocolate?

Last night I had several brownie bites over the course of the evening and had a bad headache when I went to bed.  About a week ago I had some chocolate and had the same result.

A little seems to be ok, but when I overdo it...POW bad headache.

Really a good thing as I shouldn't be eating that much of it anyway.

Just wondered if anyone else noticed that?

crystal M.
on 2/5/11 12:25 am, edited 2/5/11 12:25 am - Joliet, IL
No I don't have that  problem.  I do have this problem...I have cut greasy/ fried foods or fattening foods out of my diet all together for awhile now.  Once in a great while I do allow myself a treat.  Well I notice now when I treat myself...once when I had chicken fingers and another time I had a couple peanut butter cookies...I had to go home both times with diarrhea!!! I had stomach craps and everything.  I think because I don't eat that kind of stuff very often my body has forgotten how to process it...maybe that is sort of the same thing with you and carbs???  I guess it's a good thing because now we will think twice before we have any of that.   
on 2/5/11 1:49 am

Yep, it's your body telling you "you went and detoxed me from all that processed crap you used to eat and now you're trying to poison me with it again.  You're gonna PAY for that, Sistah".

Listen to your body.

on 2/5/11 1:54 am
I have a friend who has the same thing with chocolate and headaches. Luckily, I don't. I enjoy chocolate more than anything else on earth, just about ;)  But it's not unheard of. If you really want to test it, try white chocolate. For my friend, white doesn't cause a headache.

Highest Wt: 274 / LAP-Band Low: 180 / Sleeved at 233 / Goal: 160!

on 2/5/11 9:26 am - Rockledge, FL
 Chocolate is a HUGE migraine Trigger food..
Just a thought :)
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