No drinking while eating is killing me!!!!

on 2/5/11 12:14 am
Kath: I have been doing this since the post and I have gotten my fluids in!! Such a simple solution... don't know why I didn't think of it before. Already have 40oz in for today. Woot!

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01|17|08 lap band   08|12|08
01|17|11 port replacement
            07|09|12 hiatal hernia repair & band repositioning

on 2/3/11 10:35 am - CA
Thanks Kathy!!! I will try out your method!
on 2/3/11 10:50 am - Vancouver, WA
Two suggestions to help you out, first just don't take a drink with you when you eat and second set a timer for 1/2 hour-hour after your meal then you'll know when to start drinking again. This is something I practised before banding that and chewing alot. It just takes some practice and it will become second nature.
on 2/3/11 11:20 am - san pedro, CA
i am so glad you posted this because i am having the hardest time with this as well. i definitely am having a hard time getting my liquids in i have been counting my protein shakes as liquid hopefully those count!!!!
on 2/4/11 12:38 am - CO
Yes, protein shakes count toward your fluids.  So do milk, jello, yogurt, and soups/broths. Depending on your doctor/NUT, coffee and tea may as well, although some only count those if it's decaf, and some don't count coffee at all but will count herbal teas.

on 2/3/11 11:35 am
DS on 08/20/12
I love my water and I've had problems with this too. To be honest I do sip a little with my meals. Just a minimal amount, enough to wet my whistle.

Lap Band with Greater Curvature Plication 1/10/11, Conversion to DS 8/20/12 


on 2/3/11 11:50 am - CA
I guess I have to see how I feel after my fill....I want to keep the weight loss and really want to obey my doctors rules.  The protein I makes me sick with the runs all day! Sorry TMI but its true! So water it is!!! Sip Sip Sip for me! Hi Ho hi Ho Its off to sip I go:) 
on 2/3/11 12:15 pm
 I found that I didn't really drink as much water as I should and I was getting headaches.  So I've started making decaf iced tea w/stevia and find that I tend to drink a lot more of it.  So I figure as long as I'm getting more liquids in then I'm golden.  Good luck trying to find something that works for you.  
"Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time." ~ Mark Twain
on 2/3/11 12:15 pm - Athens, GA
Not drinking while eating is hard at first, but u get used to it. Your developing a new habit and that takes time, but after awhile it will just come natrual to not drink while eating.

Good luck!


on 2/3/11 1:19 pm, edited 2/3/11 1:20 pm
I had a hard time with that, too. I started making myself drink a bottle of water before each meal. My Dr doesn't mind if we drink up to the time we eat. I only have to wait 30 minutes after. I know you got a lot of ideas. It'll become easier. Continued good luck!!
Edited to add : I think one reason it's harder to drink, I am less thirsty because I don't eat all the food with salt in it, anymore. The few times I've had something salty it was really easy to drink. LOL
 Mari  Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!
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