I feel guilty...

on 2/3/11 5:15 am, edited 2/3/11 5:26 am

Okay, so we went to lunch at work today for my b'day and I had 1/2 of a chicken club sandwich (it was chicken, cheese, tomato & bacon) on wheat toast...it had that extra slice of bread in the middle, which I took out, and just ate the contents...saved the other 1/2 sandwich for dinner tonite...then, I had about 3/4 of a tomato, plain...I had surgery 12-30-10 so I am on solids, and don't have any restriction yet (I go for  my first fill Monday the 7th) and want to know - was that way too much or am I overstressing?  I think it'll be too much (too heavy) once I have a fill, but for right now, I feel comfortable...a bit full...?!?  Just thought I'd see what others thought...it's so scary to think of what the restriction will do yet I do want to get rid of this excess weight, but you know old habits die hard in that you think "it was only a 1/2 a sandwich..." syndrome...thanks everyone!

P.S.  Oh, they brought out a piece of cake and i took about three bites of that, also - ??? (guilty...)

P.P.S....I lied...I'm getting fuller just as I sit here working...ugh...this whole thing is so scary but that's how you learn I guess...at least I did it before my fill...

RNY 04/05/04
BOB 12/30/10 (Band over Bypass)  

on 2/3/11 5:25 am - TN
So.  First off... I'm not an expert.  I've had my band less than two weeks and I'm not even back on solid foods yet.  So take my words for what they are worth which is... probably not much.  But here's my thought...

We didn't get where we are overnight.  Our bodies are the results of years of abuse, bad eating habits, and sedentary living.  And habits don't change overnight.  I think that it sounds like you did good, especially if you think about how you would have handled that lunch differently as little as 2 months ago.  You made good choices.  You made an effort.  You ate sensible portions, especially since you are working without any restriction in your band.  Don't beat yourself up, you could have done WAY worse.  If it were me, I'd view that meal as a total victory.  The whole day, in fact!

And just between you and me?  I don't want to live in a world where I can't have 3 bites of cake without feeling guilty.  Have a taste.  Satisfy your craving and move on.  Just like you did.  Well done!!
My blog:  PaintingChef

on 2/3/11 5:33 am
Thanks for your response...I know it is a LOT better than I have done in a LONG time and of course my mind was like (ah, you can eat "one more") but I did know that I was or had reached capacity so I stopped...then ate the tomatoes...?!?  Hmmm you are right - I have been heavy all my life, struggled up and down, had bypass surgery in 04, due to major stress/tragedy in my life, regained 80 of the pounds I had lost (still was down about 100 pounds) due to poor eating, snacking, grazing, etc...and know I need control to gain control over my eating habits...my drug has always been food...although I had a stint with alcohol abuse that began 2-3 years ago but have now been in recovery for 16 months (this is what began my downfall on the gaining weight issue)...so I know that eating "in control" is very hard for me.  I'd like to get it right though so I don't have issues with throwing up, etc., once I get a fill done.  Okay, I'm droning on, I know...it's me and my sick mind (LOL) that goes with me everywhere I go...thanks for sharing.

RNY 04/05/04
BOB 12/30/10 (Band over Bypass)  

(deactivated member)
on 2/3/11 5:44 am

Hi there!

Please stop beating yourself up. Half of a sandwich, 3 bites of cake and some tomato are not about to do you in.  It's your birthday and most of us like a little treat of some sort on that special day; I think you did great with the 3 bites of cake -- I would've probably wanted more :)  It's probably the bread that is making you feel fuller as you sit there because it tends to swell up when wet.

Take care,


on 2/3/11 5:52 am - Reno, NV

You will be okay.  That half a sandwich is acceptable(depending on size) on a regular basis.  I eat a half a sandwhich all the time.  Because the bread does swell up, it does depend on the size of the sandwich as to if you will be uncomfortable after you get a fill.  But that is also on a person to person basis.  I have heard people can eat more, I choose to eyeball it and guesstimate a cup of food.  It was your birthday and it is special.  I would on other days maybe not eat quite so much, just the half a sandwhich with no bacon.  And if you want the tomato, eat it later for a snack.  And yes, this is how you learn.  You will be okay and Happy Birthday!

on 2/3/11 6:50 am
THanks for that...I  know, I did good and the 1/2 of sandwich was not really big or overstuffed at all...it was very thin chicken, cheese, a few strips of bacon in the whole sandwich and thin slices of tomato - I removed the lettuce...I know bread can be an issue so I almost didn't eat any of it, but thought nah, it is toasted pretty good...and the cake was yummy but we all shared the slice which made it easy to not overdo it! :)  thanks for the b'day wishes!

RNY 04/05/04
BOB 12/30/10 (Band over Bypass)  

crystal M.
on 2/3/11 6:10 am - Joliet, IL

I'm almost two years out and with 9.9 cc's in my band.  I treat myself to cake or cookies once in a great while...and I do mean once in a while....not once a week.  I can easily over eat when it comes to cookies and cakes because they are slider foods for me.  So I do stay away from them most of the time.  Like the last time I had cookies was at Christmas.  I think it's ok to treat yourself.  Skinny people treat themselves too.  The difference is they kno when to stop.  Moderation is the key...and it looks like you did fine with moderation.  Just think before the band how much you would have eaten. 
on 2/3/11 6:53 am
THanks...I have really cut back since I got banded - I was on a "roll" where I was eating 4-5 candy bars a DAY...and, with the gastric bypass, I can't take too much sugar at one time so I was throwing up almost daily from getting sick...it was really bad.  I knew I needed help to get under control and I made the commitment that if I went through this I would make it work and I've done really good so far...just getting back to the "real food" stage has been kind of scary - I know I went through this with the bypass in 04 but the band just seems different in that it's not just your own body tissue working for you, but a physical placement, if that makes sense...thanks for your advise!

RNY 04/05/04
BOB 12/30/10 (Band over Bypass)  

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