Help...Gaining Weight BACK!!!!

Gina M.
on 2/4/11 3:49 am
Ok, so  I lost about 40 on lap band, took up smoking AGAIN, cross addition they talk about.  Now I'm trying to quit smoking and the weight is coming back on.  Granted its from junk food.

Has anyone out there experienced weight gain and what did you do about it.  I had heard that you go back to the doc and have the fluid removed for several weeks then start gradually adding the fluid back to give more restriction.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.....

Gina M.

(deactivated member)
on 2/4/11 4:09 am, edited 2/4/11 4:33 am - Des Moines, IA

You have to stay strong and not use the quiting smoking to eat.... I've never smoked so it's easy for me to say this. You are working towards getting healthier and you should be proud. Tell yourself everyday that you are worth the effort! You deserve a healthier life.

As far as having fluid removed, I wouldn't unless you can't eat solid protein. I wouldn't want to start over with that process. Can you go 3+ hours of not being hungry after eating 3oz of dense protein and a veggie?

1. Start to journal every bite that you eat and every drink that has cals in it. Be honest.
2. Exercise, change up your routine if you are currently exercising, or start if you haven't been
3. Get at least 64 oz of water in a day
4. Get at least 60 grams protein or whatever your surgeon wants you eating
5. Set small behavior related goals, that you know you can achieve in short time frames. ( I find that weight related goals don't work for me, but behavior related goals, I can control.)
6. Get rid of the junk food

Best wishes to you,

Gina M.
on 2/4/11 4:24 am
Thanks so much for those words of encourgement.  I appreciate it...

Gina M.

Kate -True Brit
on 2/4/11 4:28 am, edited 2/4/11 4:28 am - UK

I can't see how getting unfilled would help unless you are too tight! I think you may have read about people who get a dilated pouch above the band and so can eat more (and risk serious long term damage) - they get an unfill to allow the tissue to return (if possible) to normal.

If you are gaining weight from junk food then the junk food has to go!!  Do you have restriction? If not, a fill is the place to start. You have to go back to the basic band eating style and without restriction that is hard to do.

You need to be eating as you were when you lost those 40lbs! I know it is easy to say and hard to do - but there really is no other way! Junk food tends to be food which slips down only too easily! All that fat!

My best wishes, Kate

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 2/4/11 9:15 pm - Orange Park, FL
RNY on 02/20/13

=   .......................................... =

 Good Luck
Hermosa L
on 2/4/11 5:10 am
There is nothing you can do but work your band.. stop buying junk food I gained 18 pounds and I'm working to get them off again.. and all I did was stop buying consuming junk food and get back to the gym.. take the effort to cook my meals again.. it's been a month and already I notice changes again in my food, skin and general attitude towards food .

Good Luck
on 2/4/11 7:00 am - Vancouver, WA
As an ex smoker I gotta say it's more important to get the quit smoking down than worry about any weight gain right now. Being skinny won't matter when you die from cancer or emphasema! So you gain some, so what, you can deal with that when you get thru the withdrawls from the nicotene. I would sugget you get some Chantix for the quitting smoking because it takes away that gnawing in your gut that makes you want to eat. Other than that take the anxiety and go exercise and make sure you have handy low cal snacks. Trust me it'll be worth it to be an ex-smoker!
Kate -True Brit
on 2/4/11 8:28 am - UK

Joining in again to support Hislady! Smoking kills more painfully than obesity. I used to be a heavy smoker - 35 years ago! Giving up is HARD! But, I agree with Hislady - get that sorted first!!!


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 2/5/11 1:19 am - TX
I agree deal with the smoking first.  The day I had surgery was my last one!   Deal with it first.

I had a tummy tuck in November and had to 2ccs removed, I have gained 20 pounds since then. So unless necessary don't have any fluid removed. It is amazing how hard it is to get back to a good restriction. 
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