Getting to know you....and me....

Jean M.
on 1/31/11 11:54 pm, edited 1/31/11 11:56 pm
Revision on 08/16/12
I joined OH in December 2007, at 3 months post-op, so that makes me an "older" OH member (in more ways than one) and a "veteran" bandster. Lots of members have come and gone since then. According to OH, the average lifespan of active OH membership is about 2 years. People come here to research the band, to prepare for their band surgery, to succeed with their band, and to help others who are working towards the same goals.

When a newcomer drops by the OH band forum, they can get a lot of information and feedback from posts here, and form their own impressions of the other members based on what they say in their posts. That's a good way to start, but you won't get each member's whole story. When you see someone posting something interesting, puzzling, controversial, inspiring, whatever, it's worth taking the time to check their OH profile. Not everyone puts their story on their profile or posts entries to their OH blog, but it takes only a minute or so to click on the person's avatar and see what you can learn about them.

For my first 2 years on OH, I posted a thread called the Friday Night Social Hour as a fun way to get to know each other - not just our weight issues but our general interests. Then I got a job with an ever-changing work schedule that makes it very difficult for me to post anything on a regular basis, and stopped doing the Social Hour thread. But today is my day off, and I'm going to tell you a bit about myself so you can get to know me better. I invite you to do the same.

Here we go!

I'm 57 years old, 5'2-1/2" tall, weigh 135 pounds, wear misses size 10 clothing and a size 7 shoe. Aside from a chronic pain problem, I'm disgustingly healthy. I enjoy exercising 5 days a week, work a part-time job as a bra fit specialist at JC Penney, plan and eat healthy meals about 90% of the time, and will do almost anything for a laugh. Born in Massachusetts, I now live in Tennessee with 10 dogs, 5 cats, and a sadly neglected husband.
      I've written four books and published two so far: a novel, No Ransom, and Bandwagon, a self-help book for adjustable gastric band patients. I'm working on several Bandwagon follow-up projects and also publish a free weekly e-newsletter, Bandwagon on the Road (to subscribe to it, go to and click on the envelope image in the brown box at the left side of the blog page).
      I'm also a collage artist with an online gallery at: There aren't enough hours in the day for me to accomplish everything I want to do. My chronic pain makes it impossible for me to sit for longer than 5-10 minutes, but so far, that's not a big problem because I'm so busy running around and catching up on all the things I missed out on when I was a morbidly obese couch potato.
  Yes indeed, I used to be a fat girl. When I turned 50, I weighed 221 pounds, wore size 3X clothing and size 8 shoes. I had a BMI of 40.5, Type 2 Diabetes, high cholesterol & triglycerides, joint pain, stress incontinence, sleep apnea and a glamorous but extremely demanding job as a designer and buyer of decorative home accessories. My hobbies were eating, cooking, reading (with a dog or two on my big lap), eating, cooking...and did I mention eating? I was fat, depressed and miserable.
  In September 2007, at age 54, I had Lap-Band surgery. Since then I've lost 90 pounds, regained 25 after a band slip and flipped port in 2009 (it was a bad year anyway - my mom died that November). My band slip was cured by a complete unfill and rest period, my flipped port was fixed by outpatient surgery in April 2010, and I've re-lost 22 of the pounds I had regained. In the course of all that, I've learned a lot about the adjustable gastric band, and a lot of stuff about myself that I'd really rather not know, but on the whole, I'm the better for it.

I joined OH in December 2007 and since then have made many friends and have had the pleasure of meeting 20-30 of them in person. When I first joined OH, I had a zillion questions about life with the band, and kind people like Kate P., Chelle B., Shrinking Guy, Mick, Bette, Krista C., and Vicky S. gave me answers, suggestions, and support. Nowadays I try to pay back those people for their help by offering help to newer members. I don't always do it well, but I sure try.
  As my 60th birthday marches relentlessly towards me, I'm determined to make up for all the lost time - all the years I wasted on overeating and self-loathing. Perhaps those years weren't really wasted - I think I had to survive all of that in order to arrive at my current location. Sometimes you can go around the mountain, and sometimes you just have to climb up it. And the climb was worthwhile, because the view here is marvelous.

OK, now it's your turn!


ETA: Oh, how could I have forgotten to mention that my husband and I have 9 dogs and 5 cats!

Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: 





Hermosa L
on 2/1/11 12:41 am

My name is Lizette and I live in Las Vegas.. born and raised. I'm 34 years old and quickly approaching 35.  Currently I'm wearing a size 16 plus size or 18/16 womens size Tops 1x or XL same with dresses Shoe size 8 or 8.5.  I don't always enjoy working out but I do .. 4-6 times a week I have become a bit of a zumba fanatic! I work at a desk job and I follow the rules about 75% of the time. I have a very active social life and I refuse to give up my ****tail hour but what used to be calorie ladden drinks pina colads and margaritas are more like vodka and crystal light now.

About to turn 32 I went to the doctor and have blood test runs and he wanted me to start taking medicine for diabities and I refused! My numbers were on the brink and he really wanted me to get them down, and this point I was already taking a water pill because my ankles would swell I was miserable and just finished my last attempt at Weigh****chers. My Doctor fully supported my decision for lap band. So with this help I applied through my insurance which only covered $5K the other $13,000 I paid for out of pocket!!! It was the best spent $13,000 better than a car I invested for the first time in my life in myself.

I had lost 106 pounds but I have regained some of that back because I lost my father.. In Nov (this year) he was beaten up by a homeless guy that landed him in the hospital with very serious injuries he started to get better but then suffered two strokes and took a turn for the worse and later passed. It was hard to see Dad in the hospital so I couldn't eat my band would get so tight so I turned to Cheetos. I consumed so many bags of Cheetos .. not just because they were easy to eat but because they made me happy .. We buried my dad the day before New Years Eve and I told myself enough is enough.. my pants are tight I have been to the gym in months and I have no choice but rejoin the world again go back to work etc.

I'm working every hard to get this 18 pounds off... I have been preparing my meals in advance bringing my lunch to work. Going to the gym 5-6 days a week .. I know with a little time I will be back to where I was.. I also need a fill which I will get this month. I never had unrealistic expectations with the band.  I have always been a BIG girl.. Jr High after Jenny Craig I weighed 175..  My goal was never to be 130 or shoot 150 or be a size 8. I want to be active and healthy.. I might still be overweight when all is said and done but I will be a healthy overweight person with hopefully not such a high fat mass but a decent muscle mass.

I turn 35 this year and I plan on having a huge party because I look better @ 35 than I ever did at 25!! (yay me)

Tiff tells all
on 2/1/11 4:07 am - Ewa Beach, HI
RNY on 05/21/19
Yay YOU!  You are doing great Liz


Current MD- Dr. Mikami, Honolulu Hawaii

Lapband 14cc AP Lg in 2008- slipped and removed 2016 -VSG July 21, 2016-dx Gerd

** RNY Revision 05/21/2019 **

"A few drops of hope can water and nourish our garden" - Jean M

(deactivated member)
on 2/1/11 1:14 am - Des Moines, IA
I'm Kristi and I live in Iowa with my DH of almost 25 years!  DD is in Nursing School, lives at home since college is close by ( I'm a RN ) and DS is a Senior in high school soon to leave the nest this fall to go to college. 

We have 2 Golden Retrievers, Gracie a Therapy dog & she has some AKC Obedience titles and we have Jack her full sibling, he has his CGC and a Tracking title.  The dogs play a very important part in my life with our AKC activities and volunteering twice a week with Gracie, going to an Elementary school. We listen to the 1st grade students read.  Each visit is about 1.5 hours-2 hours and I always leave feeling so positive.  We just received a certificate for doing over 250 visits.  I really feel blessed to get to volunteer.  I work part time 12 & 1/2 hour night shifts, so that's why I am able to fit it in my schedule.

 We live out in the country and have lots of trees and flower gardens.  When it's warm out, I walk with the dogs 5-7 hours a week. We have a beautiful park just a few miles away.  Up until a month ago, walking was the only exercise I was doing. But it was a fast pace and I always said the dogs should get paid for being my personal trainer, they always want to go FASTER and farther!  : )  Several weeks ago I added the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michael's to my routine and also the Leslie Sansome Walking dvd.  I needed to shake things up and it has worked. 

I am so thankful for all of the support on this board. I have learned so much from everyone.

Everyday that I'm at work, I see what obesity does and it saddens me to see how miserable it makes life.  I'm so thankful for my band.  Gosh, I'm almost 19 months out and still losing.  I am getting in such good shape and I love exercising. 

Oh, and DD has a cat.  hahahaha  ( I'm not a cat person, but DD loves her and takes care of Abby)
crystal M.
on 2/1/11 1:27 am, edited 2/1/11 1:32 am - Joliet, IL

I'm Crystal I was born and raised in Illinois (Chicago area).  I was always a very skinny kid and teenager.  So I guess when I got heavy it was hard for me to be around people because I know what skinny people are thinking when they see us or what they are saying to their friends.  I had my daughter at a very young age ( I was 15).  My daughter is now 23 and I'm 39.

I work for a medical supply company as an Accounts Receivable Manager.  I have so many friends and supporters at work.  They all know I have the Band and are really great...they are my biggest cheerleaders.      

My weight issues really started in my mid-20's.  I think I was so poor and broke for so long that when I started being able to afford to go out and eat I over did it.  At my height I was about 355.  I was in the largest sizes Lane Bryant carried.  At 35 I was finally having weight related health issues.  I finally decided to get Banded because my best friend went from 350 to 140!!!  I have lost about 130 lbs so far!!!  I got my band in March 2009.  I did struggle with my weight even after the band.  I think the biggest issue was I didn't have good restriction.  I am finally at a comfortable fill ( I have 9.9 ccs).  The big difference is I started to exercise.  I now exercise 90 minutes a day 6 days a week.  This has worked for me.  Since October I have lost a good amount of weight.  For the month of January I lost 13lbs!!!  I am a size 18 now and I can shop at stores I haven't been able to shop at for years.  I am hoping to get down to 164, which would put me in the normal range for BMI.  My short term goal is to lose enough weight to get into a size 14 by June.  My daughter is getting married in June and I would LOVE to look pretty and nice in the pictures.  This has been a long and difficult journey...but so worth it.  I don' t understand why people think it's so easy to lose weight after the band.  I work very hard.  

I am hoping to be able to go running one day...I'm working toward that goal every day.  I am healthier now than I was at 29.  I have had to deal with some jealousy from some people over my weight loss.  And I never can really judge my size.  I still look like 350 lbs to me..when I look in the mirror.  I have to compare photos to see the difference.  So I put two photos of me up in my bedroom.  One of me at 350+  and one of me I can remind myself I'm not THAT fat anymore.                 

Well that's me in a nutshell 
on 2/1/11 1:41 am
 I'm Denise I am a 47 y.o married mom of 3.  I work Full time as an RN doing NICU/Nursery and postpartum.  I am also a certified lactation consultant in private practice.  I love traveling, reading, cooking and socializing.  I have always had a weight issue and am an emotional eater.  I lost 75 lbs on Optifast in the 80's and then got married had kids and regained that PLUS another 30lbs.  After trying to lose weight unsuccessfully for years I found myself with high blood pressure, gerd, and lots of knee and ankle/foot pain issues.  I had lapband surgery in jan2010.  So far I have lost 81 lbs.  It isn't easy and I still struggle, but having my band has really helped me stay on track.  I am off all of my meds, have no more joint pain and am much more acitve now that I'm lighter.  I love shopping for clothes now and am somewhat flattered (if not a little annoyed) that my teen dds keep "borrowing" my clothes/accessories...something that happens now that I'm a size 14 instead of a 24.  LOL
I also have a beautiful collie girl and a psychotic cat.  

on 2/1/11 2:23 am, edited 2/1/11 2:24 am
DS on 08/20/12
My name is Chasity. I live in Ohio, in the same tiny little town all my life, population about 2000. I'm 5' 6" & In July I weighed 572. I have three boys the oldest will be 16 next week, a 12 year old & an 8 year old. They keep me busy with all their sports and activities. We have 7 dogs, 3 puppies and 2 parakeets. They are all my babies.

In high school I weighed 155, walked every day & thought I was fat. After graduation I got married and had my oldest 2 years later. I got busy with family, A factory job and life in general. My weight gradually increased and got out of control. I divorced my evil ex & met a wonderful man with whom I had two more sons.

In 2001 I was 3 months pregnant with our youngest. We were involved in a bad car accident. A couple weeks later my mother in law passed away, I got a call from my obgyn, my blood tests were abnormal & the baby may have health problems. My husband and I were both off of work due to our injuries. Life was depressing. I spent the next 6 months in bed due to the pain I was in. I became majorly depressed & overwhelmed with all the bad things happening to us. I lost weight during my pregnancy due to feeling so sick all the time.

Our son was born weighing 10 lbs 4 oz and totally healthy, thank God. I tried to return to work but was unable due to my injuries. I went through surgery for my injuries & did a few months of physical rehab. I have never been the same. Unable to be active or work I gained 200 more lbs. A few years ago I switched family doctors. My new doctor is great but was really concerned about my weight. He said I'd be lucky to live 10 more years if I didn't do something abut it. With his help I began my WL journey. I spent the next two years working with OSU only to be told that I would have to lose 170 lbs before the surgeon would even see me. I gave up.

In October of 2010 my dad died of a sudden heart attack. He was one of my biggest supporters of my WL. After losing him I knew I had to do something for my health & because it's what Dad would want me to do.

I ran across an advertisement for Cleveland Clinic. I called them & got the process started. Their staff is amazing. Within 8 months of me calling them I had lost 102 lbs with the help of my nutritionist & swimming. Three weeks ago I had surgery. My surgeon felt that it would be risky to do RNY at my weight so we decided on the lap band along with gastric plication. Combining the two is new & in the trial phase. But I have much faith in my wonderful surgeon. The end goal is to lose another 100 to 125 so it will be safer for me to get RNY surgery.

My first fill is scheduled for 2/16. I am excited for my incisions to heal so I can start swimming again. I am also excited to learn more about losing weight throughout this journey and hope to make new friends along the way.

Lap Band with Greater Curvature Plication 1/10/11, Conversion to DS 8/20/12 


Tiff tells all
on 2/1/11 4:58 am - Ewa Beach, HI
RNY on 05/21/19
Chasity. you've just earned yourself one more supporter in your WL Journey. I'm behind you all the way!


Current MD- Dr. Mikami, Honolulu Hawaii

Lapband 14cc AP Lg in 2008- slipped and removed 2016 -VSG July 21, 2016-dx Gerd

** RNY Revision 05/21/2019 **

"A few drops of hope can water and nourish our garden" - Jean M

on 2/1/11 8:41 am
DS on 08/20/12
Thanks so much. Having a great support system helps a bunch.

Lap Band with Greater Curvature Plication 1/10/11, Conversion to DS 8/20/12 


Lisa O.
on 2/4/11 12:00 pm - Snoqualmie, WA
Thank you for sharing your story Chasity!  I'm with Tiff.  If there's anything I can do to help you along the way please let me know.  I'm in your corner!
Lisa O.

Lap Band surgery Nov. 2008, SW 335. Lost 116 lbs.  LB removal May 2013 gained 53 lbs. Revisied to RNY October 14, 2013, new SW 275.



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