Any advice?

on 2/1/11 6:21 am - Eatontown, NJ
So I have been doing better than well with my weight lost, eating well, and exercise, but today I seemed to be go off the edge! 

I was running and felt tired and I want to eat is crap food.  I want carbs in the worst way every. I did eat a terrible Valentine's carmel heart because i did literally the unthinkable and grabbed it at the pharmacy at the check out. I haven't done this spontaneous purchase in 6 months.  I don't deprive myself, but normally I weigh the pros and cons then plan it for the day!

I don't like this feeling and it is something that was me pre-surgical choice to change.

Any advice?

"Pain is Weakness leaving the body"  "keep up the good work"

Banded 8/18/10 emergency removal 11/13/14  Goal is 150 with slippage got to 115 (scary thin)     

on 2/1/11 6:34 am
I have to be prepared. I carry packages of 100 calories worth of crackers, protein bars and some protein shakes with me all of the time. If I find that I am getting hungry, I always have something on hand to help me not eat something bad for me.

on 2/1/11 6:38 am - Eatontown, NJ
Thanks Kim-

The problem was I was/am not hungry. I had a protein shake 45 minutes before hand. My body is just craving bad things for me.
on 2/1/11 6:40 am
Ahhhh, that evil head hunger. OK, how about some sugar free hard candies?
on 2/1/11 7:10 am - Davenport, FL
Are you human????  If so, then you are not perfect and to expect that of yourself is unfair.  So you had a slip.  A momentary lapse of judgement.   Go on from here.  Is there a reason you are craving carbs?   Are you maybe eating too many of them and therefore creating the craving even more?  Is it that time of the month?   I don't know about you but I will always be a carb addict.
My fav foods are carbs.   You said it yourself, you've been doing well.  Congrats on that!  Focus on all the things you are doing RIGHT.   You know the HALT?  Don't let yourself get too hungry, too angry, too lonely or too tired.  You'll be fine.   Just don't give in any further. 

on 2/1/11 1:03 pm
My advice... don't beat yourself up over it. You're human. 

I stood at the check-out eying up a Cadbury egg last night. I ALMOST caved. But I pulled up the nutritional info on my phone and decided I would rather eat TWO SF Jell-O pudding cups and feel like I splurged BIG and still come out ahead (50 calories and oodles of fat grams less). It worked for me yesterday.

Maybe subbing a splurge that is healthier next time??

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01|17|08 lap band   08|12|08
01|17|11 port replacement
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on 2/1/11 2:53 pm - TX
are you actually running or do you mean running errands?

If you're running as in exercise, you might really need some carbs.   I eat steelcut oatmeal every morning before my workouts and I'm still losing weight.  Steelcut oatmeal is carby (obviously ::smile::) but because it's not very processed, it takes a long time to digest and doesn't spike blood sugar.

Don't beat yourself up over the Caramel Heart.  so you slipped.. doesn't mean you're going to slip up every day.  It's over and done, forgive yourself and move on. 
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr

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