Will the REAL Pollyanna please stand up?

Jean M.
on 1/31/11 9:14 pm
Revision on 08/16/12
Will the REAL Pollyanna please stand up?

Is it Miss A?

Or Miss B?

Or Miss C?

Or Miss D?

And the answer is:
All of the above!

The purpose of this post is to suggest that we all LIGHTEN UP today!

Thank you for your attention.


Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: jean-onthebandwagon.blogspot.com 





(deactivated member)
on 1/31/11 9:36 pm - Des Moines, IA
Spring is coming, Spring is coming!  Flowers will be blooming in 8 weeks!  Spring is coming!
( after another snowstorm)

I think Gracie and Jack want to join your club also!

Jean M.
on 1/31/11 11:21 pm
Revision on 08/16/12

You know that Gracie and Jack (and even some human family members) are welcome here at 9 Dogs Howling any time!

G&J don't look a bit fazed by the snow!


Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: jean-onthebandwagon.blogspot.com 





(deactivated member)
on 1/31/11 11:27 pm - Des Moines, IA
Thanks Jean!
Just got back inside from taking Mr. Jack outside.  They ring a bell when they need to go outside.  We have a very large fenced in yard, the only problem is that it's not close to the garage door, so with Jack, we have to take him out on leash. We live out in the country and we have 14 acres....... He's a tracking dog and nothing will stop him if he starts following his nose.  Sooooooooooooooo, I put on my boots, my coat, my hat, my gloves and take him out there and sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, pretend squat, sniff, sniff.....Grrrrrrrrrrr, Jack we are going back in!  He knows better than to ring the bell unless he means business. I guess he thought I needed some really fresh, cold air! hahaha
on 1/31/11 9:40 pm
We just missed this big snow storm by 100 miles or so .  We are getting the heavy rains from it today and tonight .

Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 1/31/11 9:46 pm - Hill AFB, UT
That's awesome, Jean! Have a great day!


Starting weight- 265     Goal weight- 165-145 
on 1/31/11 10:07 pm - NH
This works for me!
on 1/31/11 11:17 pm - NC

Start/293lbs   Current/189lbs  Goal/160lbs

Stephanie M.
on 1/31/11 11:40 pm


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


Jean M.
on 2/1/11 4:06 am
Revision on 08/16/12
My Polly wants to know if your Polly can come out and play now.

Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: jean-onthebandwagon.blogspot.com 





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