Last Meal Syndrome?

on 1/31/11 2:06 pm - MO
As you were preparing and going through evaluations for surgery did any of you have the feeling of this would be your "last meal?"  I find myself eating stuff just because I feel I will never be able to eat it again so I better eat it now.  Thus eating even more than I usually do.
on 1/31/11 2:16 pm - Mexico
Totally normal, most of us do the same.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
on 1/31/11 2:37 pm - CA
Yes I did the last 2 weeks before surgery....I always called it my last supper! lol Good luck
on 1/31/11 4:10 pm - CA
HI Ozark-
Yes I noticed I was doing that about 2 months before, eating to excess, it was CRAZY!!  I stopped about 3 weeks before but then made the decision to have one of everythig that I felt woud not be a good food choice for me after surgery.  Just to get it out of my system....

But one thing I have learned about this whole thing is that I don't like the idea of "never" since the band is really a new lifestyle not a diet... so be kind to yourself and don;t feel too deprived!!

The band may not be perfect, but it will be perfect for me!


(deactivated member)
on 1/31/11 10:00 pm, edited 1/31/11 10:00 pm - Des Moines, IA
I gained weight doing that for about a YEAR! I had an extremely challenging time getting insurance approval and I don't suggest you do the "food bucket cup list" eating. With the band you really could have a little of what you think you won't be able to eat. Unless they get your band too tight. I can eat anything, but I usually choose not to. I used to live on Diet Mt.Dew before the band, and I thought that would be the hardest thing to give up, but I haven't had one since and don't miss it.
on 2/1/11 12:57 am
I agree with Kristie.  I went through the last meal syndrome.  But it was a relief to feel that I can too eat almost anything without a problem.  Just in a different way and a lot less of it.  I think if we think that way we always food challenged.  I am trying hard to get past that and it is working.  Just stay strong. 
I will remember this is a journey not a race.
on 2/1/11 1:41 am - RI
VSG on 07/10/12
I did a little but I was afraid to over due.. but then I got sick a week before and could only eat toast , etc. so there was no big banquet to speak of.

Because of my being sick, my liver was enlarged, and my surgeon noted that to me, as if I ate everything in sight.. which of course I did not.

Sailed through and doing just fine now...

Good luck to you!!1

on 2/1/11 2:38 am
DS on 08/20/12
I got my surgery date less than a week before I had to start my pro op liquid diet. I had planned to indulge in certain things I know I wouldn't be able to eat for a long time, if ever. I didn't have time to get it all in but I got some of it in. Christmas dinner, Pizza, Captain D's chicken dinner, Itallian fries. I figured if I had it I wouldn't crave it as soon. 

Lap Band with Greater Curvature Plication 1/10/11, Conversion to DS 8/20/12 


on 2/1/11 4:27 am - Davenport, FL
I had that syndrome too!   In between my phase 1 diet, which was low fat no carbs per dr orders, and my 2 week pre-liquid hubby and I went out to dinner.  I then ate carbs fats, the whole gammit!!   But from then on I was faithful.  I've heard of others doing the same thing.  It is very normal.  We do get into that thinking that we can NEVER have such and such.  That's enough to scare the crap out of any food addict!!!!  
I am now 6 weeks post op.  I had my first taste of one of my "forbidden" foods last week.
I ate it, less of it, and then got right back in losing mode the next day.  I told myself that I refused to feel guilty for what I did.  This has to be a lifestyle change, something I can live with.

I wish you the best.  Do you have a surgery date yet?

on 2/1/11 5:06 am - MO
Hey thanks for responding.  That was my first post which was sort of scary because I haven't done posts before.   It was great to get responses.   My surgery date is supposed to be March 2, but I am being held captive by the exercise therapist because I gained 2 pounds when I went to Vegas for girls weekend trip and she thinks I am not doing enough exercise for long enough.  So I  guess I will have to step it up a little so she will OK my surgery with the Dr.

again thanks for responding.  good luck and congrats on your surgery...from what I hear you have made it through the hardest part if you are 6 weeks post op.
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