on 1/31/11 12:38 am
 So I was so proud of myself about running with the WII FIT the other day.  

The next day and today my calves are friggin killing me.


Even tho I do exercise I guess I haven't moved THOSE particular muscles in that way in awhile.

It's made me smile for the lst day or so...while I'm think..ouch.

(deactivated member)
on 1/31/11 1:11 am - MN
Do you have Wii Active, also?

I got it for Christmas...have yet to use it (like my treadmill too much).

Looks like one heck of a workout!
on 1/31/11 2:12 am - Norfolk, VA
I have a wii but not wii fit, how does it work?  Is the running just running in place or is there more to it?  I use an ellipitcal when I feel like dragging it out of the spare room (bad me!) but I have considered getting some wii stuff to help me exercise, give me variety.  My friend suggested wii zumba and the biggest loser one.  Right now I do videos (Biggest Loser) and the elliptical.  Thanks  :-)
on 1/31/11 3:59 am
 It's not an intense workut but it's ok for where I'm at.  I just was amazed I "could" run in place, because before WLS, I couldn't even do knees, ankles etc where just too bad.  

I think it's fun, I've been usig it more the last few weeks as we 3-4 ft of snow outside and my gym has been packed.  I mostly do boxing, running, hula hooping for 30 min of aerobics and then another 20-30 min of their strentgh exercises/yoga/balance.

I also just got Just Dance for some different aerobic/dance exercise

Born Lucky
on 1/31/11 4:08 am
 I recently got the EA Active 2 for the WII.  It's more of a structured workout with a personal trainer vs. random exercises/games. You work with exercise bands and body weight for toning, and intersperse that with cardio like walking, running, step, boxing, and playing games like basketball and soccer.   I have the WII Fit, too, and it's more fun, so maybe people are more likely to keep at it longer.  

I sympathize on the sore muscles.  I KNOW how you feel.  

on 1/31/11 4:11 am
 Maybe I'll work up to it...

on 1/31/11 4:51 am - TN
I was really wanting the Wii Fit to go with my Wii but I've heard it's kind of... mean?  Like it yells at you for being overweight?  Is that true?
My blog:  PaintingChef

on 1/31/11 5:30 am

WELL!!  I had a Wii too, but I revised to a PS3.  It's a much better alternative, waaaaay better than the Wii.  I got mine in Mexico, but I would recommend others get theirs closer to home - easier when it comes time for warranty work.  Truly, anybody who gets a Wii is just asking for trouble.  Stats show that PS3 is the best system for the money and almost never breaks down.

Oh, and I LOVE MY BAND.   

on 1/31/11 7:20 am

Oh and I just finished my wii workout and put on Just Dance for awhile and danced my butt off (well, ok not quite off...but I'm working on it)

Great fun!!

I danced to:
"girls just want to have fun"
"Heart of Glass"
"Ring my bell"
"Groove is in the heart"
"Little less conversation, a little more action"

Got some aerobic exercise in ..totally fun :)


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