Port question-important

Melanie Short
on 1/30/11 9:01 am - Hamilton, OH
I have a realize band, but figure we are all pretty similar so thought I would post this on both boards with hope someone has an answer.  A few days ago I coughed/sneezed really hard, and I had a pain shoot across my stomach. Since then I have had an uncomfortable feeling around my port site, when I eat the uncomfortable feeling seems to get worse. I have also been getting nauseated when I eat. I am just worried that maybe my port has came displaced, or possible lose from the tubing. Have any of you had this before? Or have you had port displacement, what are the symptoms? I know I need to call my dr, and I will I am just hoping someone can help shine some light on this.

Thanks for any help you can give,
Jean M.
on 1/30/11 9:10 am
Revision on 08/16/12

It doesn't seem likely that a displaced port could cause nausea when you eat, but it is possible that a hard cough or sneeze could stress the abdominal fascia your port is stitched into and cause discomfort...and hard or excessive coughing can cause the band to move out of place, and that could cause nausea or other problems when you eat. Or it could be coincidental.

My port flipped, but I had no symptoms. I found out it was flipped after several unsuccessful fill attempts. I know of an OH bandster, Linsey (discogal), who popped a suture at her port site and said she could feel it.

I hope your doctor can put your mind at rest. Try not to worry too much, OK?


Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: jean-onthebandwagon.blogspot.com 





Melanie Short
on 1/30/11 9:54 am - Hamilton, OH
Thank you... I am trying not to make too much of it, I figure if it was major I should be in pain, not just discomfort. I am thinking that maybe I just irritated the area, or at least that is what I am hoping.

Thanks again,
on 1/30/11 10:33 am
Hi, I have had a sinus infection the past week, and just started coughing attacks today, and my port area is also tender now. I try to hold a pillow when I cough. In my case I think it is just the muscles that are sore. I was banded on Dec. 6th, I know I am still healing. I have no nausea. My port still feels like it is in place when I feel it. Hope you feel better soon!
Nancy B.    
Lyss Remaly
on 1/31/11 1:34 am - Wheeling, IL
I recently had a revision from band to DS BUT I had a band for 6 years... my port was under my rubs so everytime I did an ab workout or laughed or coughed it would grind against my ribs... then I would get really sore and it would feel like someone was stabbing me.  My doctor also told me that it could be gas... I took a few gas x and the sharp shooting pain would go away.  Also, try a heating pad it'll help with the pain.  I hope this helps!

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