3 days out post suregery w/lap band
I have had my first feeling of hunger today. I have had 41 grams of protien today and for some reason I am still very hungry. I am having a hard time differentiating between full and hunger. Any ideas on how I can differentiate the two? And curious has anyone else experienced back pain from your mid back to the center of your calves after surgery?
I think right now your body doesn't know what the heck is going on. The way I have been trying to combat this is by eating every 3 hours and measuring everything. In between (after allotted time) I have been drink drink drinking.
I have pain in all sorts of strange places. The bottom part of my ribs only on the left. My left shoulder, my neck. I feel like I was run over by a truck!
chewable tylenol is my friend!
I just graduated from mushies to soft food. My stomach is still very growlie, and I had shoulder pain, and pain in my chest. Almost all of my pains are gone now. Sides still hurt a bit when I walk, but getting better, and I get to go back to curves and workout tomorrow.It will get better, but at first, my life was ruled by gas.
I too have been very hungry, in fact I am doing soft solids and still going to bed very hungry, I am going to call the doctors office today and maybe talk to the nutrisit see if she can give me some help. It's so strange I feel like I can eat anything and nothing will bother me bout I won't dare. What I would call your doctor about ASAP is the calve pain that could be a sign of a bold clot and you want to be very careful. The back pain is normal for me I still have it. Good luck God Bless.