Need Dr Recommendation in Houston, TX

Dev *.
on 1/28/11 4:47 am - Austin, TX
Well, the good news is, after 7 months of being unemployed, my husband has a new job!
The less good news: We have to move from Austin to Houston in less than a month.
Cue me freaking out!
I need a new bariatric Dr, a new pediatrician, new daycare, new place to live, new job....arrrggghh!

So, anyone in Houston have a doc they love? My MD here is happy to refer me to whoever I find.

Banded 03/22/06  276/261/184 (highest/surgery/lowest)

Sleeved 07/11/2013  228/165 (surgery/current) (111lbs lost)

Mom to two of the cutest boys on earth.

Jo 1962
on 1/28/11 5:37 am - NearHouston, TX  This is my doc. I go to his Conroe office but he has others in the Houston area.   Go check him out. He's top notch.

5.0 cc in a 10cc lapband  (four  fills) 1 unfill of .5cc  on 5/24/2011.
.5 fill  March 2012. unfill of .25cc May 2012.  Unfill of .5cc June 2014.

Still with my lapband with no plans for revision. Band working well since

last small unfill.

HW: 267lbs- size 22-24  LW:194lbs  CW:198lbs  Size 14-16



Dev *.
on 1/29/11 2:35 am - Austin, TX
 Thanks! I'll check him out!

Banded 03/22/06  276/261/184 (highest/surgery/lowest)

Sleeved 07/11/2013  228/165 (surgery/current) (111lbs lost)

Mom to two of the cutest boys on earth.

on 1/28/11 1:22 pm - TX
I don't have any medical experience with these doctors, but I met both Dr. Garth Davis and Dr. Duc Voung last weekend at TABS WLS conference and liked them both.

Dr. Vuong is extremely big on support.  He's known as "the support surgeon".

Dr. Davis is involved with the TLC show "Big Medicine".

Hope you find a doctor you can work with.  :)

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr

Dev *.
on 1/29/11 2:35 am - Austin, TX
 Thanks, I'll take a look at both of them!

Banded 03/22/06  276/261/184 (highest/surgery/lowest)

Sleeved 07/11/2013  228/165 (surgery/current) (111lbs lost)

Mom to two of the cutest boys on earth.

Christine S.
on 9/13/11 4:09 pm - Salt Lake City, UT
Duc Vuong patients beware!



Check out:
Paige E.
on 1/29/11 12:14 am - TX
I would wait until you know for sure where in the Houston area you will be living... and then try to find someone close to where you are.  My doctor is clear across town... if I had it to do over again I would have chosen someone closer to where I live.   Fighting the traffic to get there is a pain!!!


~Paige~  -155lbs    (lovin' my band)   
At GOAL and BMI is healthy!!


Dev *.
on 1/29/11 2:34 am - Austin, TX
 We'll be living inside the inner loop or perhaps just outside of it, since my husband will be working downtown and likely I will be trying to find a job to the medical center area.

Banded 03/22/06  276/261/184 (highest/surgery/lowest)

Sleeved 07/11/2013  228/165 (surgery/current) (111lbs lost)

Mom to two of the cutest boys on earth.

Jo 1962
on 1/29/11 7:55 am - NearHouston, TX
On January 29, 2011 at 10:34 AM Pacific Time, Dev *. wrote:
 We'll be living inside the inner loop or perhaps just outside of it, since my husband will be working downtown and likely I will be trying to find a job to the medical center area.
You'll have it made then.  If its just you and your DH (no kids?), loft apts are real popular now downtown..or midtown (btween downtown & the med center).  You can even commute on the metro train. One bad side though is the air quality.  I grew up inside the loop but now live out in the suburbs b/c the air can get so bad downtown and it never cools down enough in the summer because all  the concrete retains the heat.  There are some really nice neighborhoods in the med center area but not cheap.    Happy house hunting!

5.0 cc in a 10cc lapband  (four  fills) 1 unfill of .5cc  on 5/24/2011.
.5 fill  March 2012. unfill of .25cc May 2012.  Unfill of .5cc June 2014.

Still with my lapband with no plans for revision. Band working well since

last small unfill.

HW: 267lbs- size 22-24  LW:194lbs  CW:198lbs  Size 14-16



on 1/29/11 2:02 am - Mexico
My friend goes to Dr. Rincon and adores him. I'm not sure where in TX he is.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
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