phase one

on 1/27/11 10:31 am - san pedro, CA
ate some malt o meal for breakfast and felt like i ate too much for dinner i ate 1/2 cup of cream of mushroom soup and i am still starving!!! any advise???? i am 1 day post op!
on 1/27/11 10:38 am
gosh you are lucky you can have soup one day post op and malt a meal  I wasnt allowed to have that till week two !!

The first three weeks I was on my post op I didnt have no rules on how much I could eat I could eat as much as I wanted well drink in my case lol.

When I was allowed to go to the cream of soups I would eat a cup of it at every meal.  I took my time with it though Ijust didnt slurp it down it would take me about 20 min or so to finish that cup and I was full for a good three hrs and then I would eat some more .

Plus in between I would drink my water and protein shakes and if I was still hungry I could eat sf pudding but that didnt happen very often. , usually just the one cup of soup filled me up every three hrs.

Once again u are very lucky I wasnt allowed to eat nothing like that till two or three weeks out wow !!
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

Ann Marie C.
on 1/27/11 11:44 am
Whey protein drinks and sip sip sip- Best of Luck

Evaluation 5/10/08
Surgery 11/04/08Lap Band Concord Hospital

Bette B.
on 1/27/11 12:46 pm
 Follow your doc's postop diet, of course, and get in as much fluids as you can stomach. That will help with the hunger.


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

(deactivated member)
on 1/27/11 9:13 pm
Can you have cottage cheese at this point? I always find that the protien in it helps keep me fuller longer than if I eat something that is more carb based.  Also, refried beans if you can do them worked great too.
on 1/27/11 10:10 pm - TN
I definitely find that the more protein I'm able to have, the fuller I stay.  You're lucky too because your doctor will allow you to have dairy so soon after surgery so you can drink all those protein shakes.  I'm just able to add my protein shakes that I make with milk (the ones that I liked best and that kept me the fullest) back to my diet today and I am SO HAPPY.  Because I had started to feel a few hunger pangs too these last couple of days.

Protein is the key!!
My blog:  PaintingChef

on 1/27/11 11:47 pm - RI
VSG on 07/10/12
Try some protein shakes and add a banana and/or one tablespoon of peanut butter. This makes a very thick shake and it's easy to just sip it over about a half an hour and feel fuller.

Also, fill inbetween meals with broth and water. That should also help.

Best advice is give your nutritionist a call and get some ideas/recipes from her/him.

There is a book called Weight Loss Surgery Recipes for Dummies that I used for the first few weeks. It had great ideas for shakes, soups, etc.

Good Luck!!!

You'll make it...

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