Confusion after consult!

on 1/28/11 3:08 am - FL
 ok.. went to my consult today-and to say the least i am now really confused!!
1. he said DO NOT drink protein shakes after 2 wks postop.
but i  see alot of ppl here do still!
2. i see alot of ppl eat chili daily.
he says DO NOT cause its technically not a solid since you dont cut it with a knife..

can sum1 ease my confusion??
on 1/28/11 3:26 am - los angeles, CA
That is a little confusing.  The mind frame might be that he wants you to get accustomed to eating slower and with solid foods, and you do get fuller that way.  Not sure otherwise.  However, after two weeks of liquids then I had two weeks of mushies, not solids.  Doctor said I could still drink protein shakes, just not all the time.

Don't understand the chili thing.  Some people do, and some people avoid it because of acid reflux (which I had, but is now gone)  I eat chili, just not very often and usually its one with black beans.

Is this your regular doctor or your Nut.?

Highest weight: 275; Consult: 265; 2 wks Pre-Op (5-14-10): 255;  current weight (9-26-11):
Largest Size: 24; Pre-Op Size (5-14-10): 20; Current Size (9-26-11): 14

on 1/30/11 9:16 am - FL
 is NUT nutritionist?  and that was the consult with the surgeon
Amy D.
on 1/28/11 3:30 am - Stratford, Canada
They probably don't recommend protein shakes after two weeks post op because for many they can get their protein in without shakes and it is considered "liquid calories".  For me I am tighter in the morning and some days I find it easier to have a protein shake for breakfast. 

As for the chili, I have no clue.  Lentals are a great source of protein! 
on 1/30/11 9:18 am - FL
 he said ppl who still drink the shakes wont lose weight good.. and he was talking to a woman wen i came out of the consult saying chili is  a  no o and she said she had no clue.. he literally said if you cant cut it with knife n fork DO NOT EAT IT
on 1/28/11 3:37 am - Mexico
I cut pie with a knife but that doesn't make it a solid. ;o)

I still drink protein shakes because they fill me up and I like them. I am not a fan of meat. Some do well with protein shakes, some do not. Everyone is different.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
on 1/28/11 3:49 am - Davenport, FL
You'd think all bariatric drs would be on the same page but that is totally NOT the case.
Bottom line is, you need to follow YOUR drs instructions.   The no protein shakes after 2 weeks post op is not doubt cause he wants you to get use to having your protein souce from dense protein.  That is what your staple will be forever.  That is what will sustain you and help keep you from getting hungry cause it will stay in your pouch longer so you'll be satisfied longer.  Yes, many still use a shake here and there if they have not gotten all their protein in for the day for whatever reason.  Some use it in the morning cause they are "tighter" in the morning and can't tolerate food right away.  
My dr doesn't even recommend soups of any kind unless you are going to disect it first. Ex:
drink all the broth first, then pick out the protein and lastly eat the veggies.  Now how crazy is that???    I am 6 weeks out and made chili for the first time this week.  I had lots of meat in it so I felt it wasn't bad and I am also allowed beans now. 
Just do what your dr recommends to the best of your ability.  If you do what your dr says 95% of the time, they will never know about the rest unless you tell them!  I'm not saying to be dishonest but this is YOUR journey, not there's.  They are there to guide us.  None of us will be perfect.

I wish you the best.

on 1/28/11 4:06 am

Mine said the same thing but mine was after four weeks after I started soft foods.  Now he did tell me I could make expections once in awhile at meal times mainly breakfast OR lunch I could drink one but he does not want me to make a habit out of it .

I am two months post op and I havent drank a protein shake since my fourth week post op . I get enough protein from my food and that is the most important anyways you dont want to get all your protein from them shakes food is way more important for that :o)

I love Wendy's chili that is what I get on Tuesday nights when I go bowling I get that and the bowling alley has really small chicken breasts so I get one of them .  Eat half of my chili and my chicken breast .  And save the other half of the chili for breakfast the next day if my son dont eat it first lol   That is almost 25 grams of protein in my meal right there if not a little more I add cheese to my chicken also :o) 

chili makes a great source for protein !! A small Wendy's chili  has 28 grams of protein in it and only 20 carbs not bad .


Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 1/28/11 4:22 am - Manassas, VA
REALIZE Band on 02/03/10 with
All doctors are different.  I stopped drinking the shakes after a few months.  I had a plateau in Sept and my doctor told me to start drinking shakes again.  I guess because I was only getting about 50 grams of protein in and needed a little more.  I think as long as your shake is a lo cal and lo carb one, it should be fine. 
Current fill in 11cc band is 10.4ccs.
on 1/28/11 4:30 am
I did not do any liquids after the first week post-op.

I can eat -- I can eat in the morning, in the mid day, in the evening and at night.
I can get adequate protein from real food, so I don't have to supplement with liquids.

Some people have difficulty with band tightness in the morning, or they like the taste of protein shakes, or they are rushed and it is a quick breakfast ----- so they do what works for them.

For me -- the only type of protein shake I like ends up being about 250 - 300 calories.
For that 'price' I can eat a greek yogurt and a banana and have calories left over -- and I feel more satisfied by the taste/texture.

As far as chili goes, I think that what your doctor is trying to convey is that lean/solid proteins work best with the band.  Liquids go right through ---- so, if you have a choice between steak and chili, you are going to be more satisfied with steak.

However, I have eaten some pretty thick chili and it satisfies me and tastes good.

You will see that most doctors have their own opinions and protocol.
Trust your surgeon --- tweak what you can to work for you.
You paid (or someone will be paying) thousands of dollars for this doctor to put a band in you -- trust his opinion and follow the rules he gives you.

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