on 1/27/11 11:56 pm - RI
VSG on 07/10/12
I have to admit it now, I am just a slow loser...
Always had this problem, and it's coming up again with the band.

I am happy to have lost those 13 lbs, without the band, I never would have lost that much within the same time frame without living on water and air without the band.

Almost 8 weeks out and I've lost about 1.8 lbs a week on average, even though some weeks I've lost nothing and some weeks, the scale has fluctuated up and down almost daily.

It's a little frustrating, but I am trying to keep perspective. I know this is just typical for me.

Oh, and I am excercising 3-4 times per week and keeping a food diary. My calories run on average about 900 per day.

My exercise is snow shoeing, step aerobics, walking and treadmill ( Exercise bores me, so I have to change it up a lot.)

Guess I just have to be happy for all those who are just peeling it off, and be happy I'm where I am for now... and maybe I won't have all that sagging skin so many people end up with as well.

Well, I just had to vent!!!

Best to all!
on 1/28/11 12:00 am
 1.8 lbs a week is awesome!

I know it seems slower in relation to other surgery but those weeks add up

1.8x52= 93+ lbs in a year.

Just keep doing what you're doing

Nice work!!

on 1/28/11 1:40 am - RI
VSG on 07/10/12
I love your math....

I need to keep those nice numbers in mind when I'm feeling sorry for myself...

on 1/28/11 12:08 am

You are doing fantastic we are only suppose to lose 1-2 pounds per week and you are right there on the high side of things so that is something to very happy about :o)

I dont think you are losing slowly at all :o)
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 1/28/11 1:42 am - RI
VSG on 07/10/12
Thanks for the encouragement... sometimes it seems like nothing is happening...then one or two pounds disappear...

I am happier than before the band.... it seems so slow sometimes...

Glad to hear from you!

on 1/28/11 2:09 am
It does seem so slow sometimes but in the long run that will be so much more healthier for us then dropping huge amounts of weight all at once .

Ask my aunt how that is working for her now , she is sickly looking and to be totally honest with you I would stay  overweight then look like her and have her medical problems right now :o( .

I can understand where you are coming from on all this though.  I got really depressed the last two weeks due to my period.

Eating right, exercising to the point that I hurt my knee , doing what I am suppose to do and nothing for two weeks straight.

I knew in my head it was because of my period and water weight but still it breaks your heart when you get on the scales .

Just keep doing what you are doing and we will both get there.

Just remember we didn't put this weigh over night or in one yr so it wont come off like that either unless its done the unhealthy way :o)

Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 1/29/11 11:10 pm - MA

WOW, im just AMAZED that you've lost 34lbs since nov did you do it??? please show us a journal of your daily eating.....that is amazing...  help plzzz.. loosing it very s l o w l y too..

on 1/28/11 2:22 am - Oceanside, NY
 I am with you. I am a very slow loser. I was before the band. Without the band i couldn't lose, at least with the band I lose. I rather lose slow then nothing. With that said it does get discouraging.
Keep up the good work.
on 1/28/11 3:00 am - Rio Rancho, NM
VSG on 04/03/12
I know how you feel.  My body clings to every pound that I have.  Keep up the good fight!!

  LapBand Surgery 01/10/08, Revison to Sleeve 04/03/12

on 1/28/11 5:02 am - RI
VSG on 07/10/12
I've done harm to myself in the past with exercising....
I have a litany of injuries, all done to try to lose weight!

Now, I try to keep up a safe exercise pace....

I know that is the key, but I'm not going to go through the agony I went through before the band.

I'm glad I have this band, bc without it, I may have gone higher than my original 213 day of surgery!

For me at 5'2". it's embarrassing to even publicize that number!!

Thanks for everyone's support!!

I really need it!!!

Best to all,

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