
on 1/24/11 10:29 pm
Does anyone use kettlebells in their exercise routine and if so, do you have a DVD or book that you could recommend?

Thanks, Kim
Bette B.
on 1/25/11 12:57 am
 I bought one but haven't used it yet. I'm pretty certain that I'll end up dropping the thing on my foot.

SHape and Self magazine have run articles the last couple of months with exercises for KBs. I'm sure you could find stuff online, too.


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

Bette B.
on 1/25/11 12:59 am
 Okay, something is fishy with OH. I reply to your HCG post, and a banner for HCG came up. I respond to your kettlebell post and a kettlebell banner comes up.


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

Bette B.
on 1/25/11 1:00 am
 It was for


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

(deactivated member)
on 1/25/11 8:32 am - Des Moines, IA
I posted the same thing a few weeks ago.  My hubby had been looking for skid loader parts and I saw advertisements for skid loaders! hahahahaha
on 1/25/11 1:50 am
Don't you just love OH's cookies on your computer?

on 1/25/11 2:01 am - CO
 Actually those are Google ads.  Their ad engine uses the text on the page to create "relevant" ad results.

Hermosa L
on 1/25/11 6:52 am

I have been thinking about the same thing. My friend does squats at the gym with them but my gym doesn't offer them yet. Bob Harper from the biggest loser has a set of Kettleballs and videos to go with at Walmart.. but I didn't see it online but I did find it on Amazon.

I'm thinking I might invest in 1 10 pound kettleball and 1 video and try it 2 days a week at home.. I hate working out at home but this seems like a great workout to wait for years for it to show up at my local gym!

Good Luck.

on 1/25/11 7:03 am, edited 1/25/11 7:03 am
I am a Shape subscriber, but I guess I haven't noticed the kettlebell articles. Oops. Will pull out my back issues, as I save them after reading them.

I bought a 10lb kettlebell at the TJ Maxx for $10 and thought that I would give it a try. I am just coordinated enough to do like Bette says and drop it on my foot. 

I also bought an aerobic fitness slide right before my surgery and now that the doctor has cleared me for exercise, I want to give it a try as well.

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