i know everyone's band is different, but....

on 1/24/11 9:53 am
does it sound strange to you to have 7.5 cc in a 14 cc band and not feel any restriction? i really don't think i have ever had restriction, but my last fill was in may of 2010. i did not want restriction right away.. i wanted to get close and then go as long as i could on my own. now, after reading so many posts, i am curious. i eat dense protein for my meals and have to stop once my small portion is done, but i could eat A LOT more. I have, in the past. what's your thoughts......
Lap-Banded March 16, 2010

'once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right'

on 1/24/11 10:11 am
I have a large band but mine is empty.  I had my surgery almost 2 months ago and so far I have skipped my first two fills .

Now, with me I never ever get that full feeling.  I eat my one cup of food but I can always eat more then one cup I just dont allow myself to do it.

I dont get the full feeling but I get the feeling of being not hungry satisfied I guess if you want to call it that .

I dont know if Im at my sweet spot or not I dont like using them words or restriction.  I think people get so wrapped up into them two words and they obsess about it .

On my part also I think its a big mental game Im playing.  I know I can not eat no more then a cup of food. because if I do then I will keep eating and the possibility of hurting myself or the band and to be honest the food just isn't worth it to me.

I just came back from my doc appt today and he is impressed on how well Im doing without any fluid in my band , but it all comes down to the mental aspect of it also imo.

I can sit here and make myself hungry or during a meal say I can eat more of this and physically talk myself into being more hungry then I am but in reality Im not.

I dont know really.  I am two months post op and my band is empty and Im hitting about 9 pounds per month.

As long as I can go three hrs without not being hungry and losing 8 pounds per month I will never get a fill and that is fine with me the longer I can go without being stuck by a needle the happier I will be lol.

And Im not restricted on anything . I can eat anything without it getting stuck or making me sick and I love that part.   There isnt a food I have had to give up I just eat my favorite foods in moderation now and not as often
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 1/24/11 10:24 am - Oceanside, NY
 Everyone is different. I have 8.5 in my band. I felt restriction now not so much. I just got the .5 put in on Fri.My PA said i should feel restriction again. I will  let you know in  a week or two.
on 1/24/11 10:44 am
oh, wendy, thanks sooooo much. pleeeease keep me advised. would love to know how it works out.
Lap-Banded March 16, 2010

'once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right'

on 1/25/11 1:13 am - FL
I feel so much better after reading these posts!  I got my band on Dec 10th.  I had my first fill on Jan 5th.  I go Friday for my next one.  I am going to persist until I am filled to the right amount.  I also know everyone is different but I want this band to work for me!  I did not come out of the gate as a perfect bandster.  My food was sloppy post op.  The first 2 weeks I did fine.  Since I have struggled everyday and beat myself up everyday.  I know the band doesnt do all the work but I was hoping it would help with the struggle!  I have been even more angry at myself and felt like I was failing!  I am hoping for some restriction after Friday.  My doc does fills every 3-5 weeks post op.  I keep thinking about the movie Top Gun and when Tom Cruise said "I have a need for speed". Well, most days I feel like I have a need to feed!  LOL
(deactivated member)
on 1/24/11 10:57 am
Hi, I have a 14cc band too. It took me a looonnng time and a lot of cc 's to get the band tighted up to a good point. I think I was somewhere near the 12cc range and 8months out before mine was in a good spot. My surgeon said that it is perfectly acceptable to need a lot of fill before the band is adjusted to a good level for you and it's nothing to worry about. Knowing that, I still worried that somehow I broke it and I was going to screw this whole thing up.  Wish I didn't do that to myself.

Having a good fill level to manage hunger helps so much; it will be worth the trial to get to that point  hang in there!

on 1/24/11 11:46 am
great!!! i was kind of avoiding the fact that secretly i worry that mine won't work. i am going in for a fill at my one year surgiversary. i think there's a part of me that's afraid to go in with not a substantial amount of weight lost. thanks for the help!!!
Lap-Banded March 16, 2010

'once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right'

on 1/24/11 11:29 am
Hey you,
I've always heard that if you are not full on your allotted amount of food for at least 4 hours you probably need a fill. It's one of the "signs", sometimes it only takes a little to make a huge difference. I have a 10cc band and never been over 6 cc, so like others said everyone is different. I hope you get there soon!! It makes all the difference!
 Mari  Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!
on 1/24/11 11:48 am - China Grove, NC
I agree with Mari , if you cannot stay full on your portion for about 3-4 hrs you probably need a fill.

(deactivated member)
on 1/24/11 1:50 pm - Modesto, CA
I have a 14 cc band with about 9.2 ccs in it.  I began feeling restriction around 5 ccs, but just barely.  I didn't start feeling really good restriction until around 8 ccs.   Like you said, everyone's band is different.  After two years, I still don't know if or when I'll ever hit that sweet spot, but I've come to realize it doesn't matter.   As long as I have restriction, whether it's perfect or not, the band is doing it's job.  Unfortunately, I don't always do mine.  I can't imagine being any tighter than I am now, I can only eat about 1/2 - 3/4 cups of food at a time, but unlike what many say, I'm always hungry within two hours.  If I'm lucky, I can sometimes make it three hours, but usually I can hear my stomach growling after just two.  Sometimes I wonder if I had a little removed so that I could eat maybe a cup, it would last longer, but I don't feel too tight.  I can eat most foods, although I can't eat anything solid in the mornings.  Can usually get oatmeal or yogurt down by 9:30-10.  I've come to realize I'll probably never really figure out this band, but don't worry about that anymore.  My doctor tells me I'm the driver in this journey, but sometimes I feel like I'm just along for the ride! lol

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