I feel like the Lap Band is the best option long term, health and weight loss wise

(deactivated member)
on 1/23/11 5:47 am - alexandria, VA
 Why I feel the Lap Band is the BEST restrictive surgery there is. I have been a lurker for a long time and have seen all the surgery wars. But I have been quiet through all this. The reason I am posting this is please don't feel bad that you made the wrong decision with the band.

I got my band over 2 years ago, I have two best friends that got the Sleeve 2 years ago and I know of about 5 other Sleevers in our support group. They all lost faster than I did, but not too much faster, I was right behind them, about 18 months post op I was smaller than ALL of them, and now 2 of my friends feel very week all the time and they actually "dump" on some foods and can't tolerate sweets when we go out and have fun at happy hour and eating at restaurants. They never thought they would feel sick with their Sleeve.

Also 2 people in our support group have started gaining weight back after 2 years and don't know what to do since they can't get a fill like I can, they can eat a full meal and hardly have no restriction, but they are overall happy with their Sleeve. I am very happy with my band over 2 years post op, I smile when I hear so many bash the band and say we have "eating difficulties", wow I feel like I am an alien because me and 2 of my lap band friends eat normally and have always done so, we can't eat much, I just wanted to say I have had much success with my band and it gave me my life back, no vitamin deficiencies like my friends with the Sleeve and I still have my tight restriction after 2 years. 

Loving my band and my new size 6-8 size too.

on 1/23/11 6:10 am - Mexico
Your two regainer friends should have an upper GI done. Even if a sleeve doubled in size that would mean they can only eat 6oz of dense protein. So either they are not making wise food choices or their sleeve was not done properly.

Actually, banded folks have a significant regain by 5 years.

I will agree with you, I like my size six as well, and it will be a 4 after plastics.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 1/23/11 7:08 am
I am new but loving my band! So nice to see something positive. I also have a few aquaintence that have had problems with bypass and sleeve. I know for myself I made the right choice. It is so nice to have this tool to make better food choices. I couldn't have done it on my own.
Cograts to you! You are doing great!!!
Nancy B.    
(deactivated member)
on 1/23/11 10:16 am
on 1/23/11 2:11 pm - Vancouver, WA
The good news is I haven't had a regain, the bad news is because I only lost 20# with this useless piece of plastic. There are lots of others like myself and yes I followed all the rules except exercise which I can not do because of severe arthritis. So I never should have had this surgery but a malabsorptive one which my surgeon wouldn't do because of a clotting disorder. So while you are fortunate, there a many of us who are totally disgusted with our bands and have every right to be.
Kate -True Brit
on 1/24/11 12:27 am - UK

Misty, I am like you. I lost well and eat normally. In May I will be 5 years post-op and I have already been below goal for 3 years.

But I do feel fortunate - I know people like Hislady gave the band their best shot - and didn't get the results they hoped for.

I find your comments about the sleeve interesting. I don't know all that much about it but the other day I got into a chat on OH with 2 sleeved people. As you say above, it isn't the almost-perfect surgery a couple of ex-bandsters say it is! Those two both said it is common to feel hunger (one felt it all the time) and that they could over-eat. I guess all surgeries are at least partly what we make of them!


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


Ms Shell
on 1/24/11 3:33 am - Hawthorne, CA

I agree that a sleeve "shouldn't" stretch THAT much.  I know MY capacity (which I believe is HUGE) compared to others STILL only allows me to eat 8oz of FOOD.  Now CRAP is a different story but with those 8oz I CHOOSE 4oz meat & 4oz vegetable.  I would tell your fellow friends to actually get their sleeves checked out AND how much MEAT can they eat.  All surgeries can be ate around BUT as far as CAPACITY and I'm talking CAPACITY only (not some other metabolic issue your friends may be suffering from) many "failed" sleevers find that when they eat MEAT real food their restriction is STILL there, but again you have to make the CHOICE to eat what's "right".

MS Shell

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

Michelle F.
on 1/24/11 6:13 am, edited 1/24/11 6:15 am
Misty you are very lucky because I was never able to eat normally in 2 1/2 years of being banded even though I lost quicky and got to goal in less than a year. I followed every band rule...I was actually quite obsessive about it. I NEVER drank with food, I ate protein and produce only, no sugar or white carbs for 2 years. I also wasn't able to eat more than 3 bites of anything before I got full and you never know what would make me PB...I always knew where a bathroom was when I went out to a restaurant, and soup became my food of choice when I went out to eat.

However once I wasn't able to maintain a fill, before and after my two slips, I have gained 25 pounds back and have decided that the band is not longer right for me and will be revising to the sleeve. I know many people who have sleeves for over 4 years and all but one are happy and have kept their weight off.

I'm so glad that your band has enabled you to live a normal life, I thought it would do that for me and I'm sad it didn't. I 'm confident my sleeve will.
Phyllis C.
on 1/24/11 9:04 am
It may be the best restrictive surgery there is for you, but you are very fortunate. 

There's more to WLS than losing weight.  There is quality of life.  For many with the band eating is painful and even dangerous.

I have better restriction everyday with my sleeve than I ever had for even one day when I had my band.  I can eat and it doesn't hurt.  I consider it a plus that sweets don't appeal to me that much any more.

"Me agreeing with you doesn't preclude you from being a deviant."

on 1/24/11 9:51 am - Mexico
On January 24, 2011 at 5:04 PM Pacific Time, Phyllis C. wrote:
It may be the best restrictive surgery there is for you, but you are very fortunate. 

There's more to WLS than losing weight.  There is quality of life.  For many with the band eating is painful and even dangerous.

I have better restriction everyday with my sleeve than I ever had for even one day when I had my band.  I can eat and it doesn't hurt.  I consider it a plus that sweets don't appeal to me that much any more.

Yes, pain with eating.

Restriction alone is not meant to be aversion therapy.  We are not meant to hate eating food, just less of it.

Stats prove the OP wrong wrong wrong.  Bands provide the slowest weight loss, the least weight loss, the highest regain, and the most mechanical problems.

She's not being fully honest about long term stats.  The safest surgery long term is the sleeve.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
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