Hair Thinning

on 1/21/11 8:32 pm
Does anyone have any suggestions what to do for thinning hair? Since my lapband my hair is falling out daily! I don't want to be slim and BALD!
on 1/21/11 8:49 pm - West Yarmouth, MA
take vitamins and get your hormones checked!  also, check with Jean - she had a thing about hair thinning in her newsletter.
Surgery 1/6/11 , 14ml band - 0ml fill      
on 1/22/11 3:45 am
I have exactly the same problem.  Who is Jean and where can I find her posts?
on 1/22/11 9:30 am
I posted the same question about 1 week ago - the advice I was given was to add Biotin (a supplement) to see if that helps.  I bought it at GNC.  Unfortunately I think it takes awhile to start working!

I, too, am afraid that I might be thin and bald in 6 months!

on 1/22/11 10:00 am - NY
I thought at first it was from my hair coloring...I have no thyroid and get checked at the ened of month from my endocronologist. It sure is a scarey thing. Thank goodness my hair was thick. I will get that vitimin you said...thanks



on 1/22/11 10:10 am - Anderson, SC
Protein protein protein! Thats the beest thing you can do for your hair!
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