Carb craving at night; how to blast them

on 1/21/11 8:19 am - Bardstown, KY
I could use some ideas on my nighttime carb cravings. Days are good, but those evenings just throw me. I feel like I have totally stalled at this number. Ideas from you would be great!!!!
on 1/21/11 8:45 am - West Yarmouth, MA

Hi - the only suggestion I can offer is to change your routine.  4:00 is my rough time.  I plan on combating the 4:00 munchies by having a yogurt before leaving work and then going straight to the gym.

I know I am new at the band but I am a pro at dieting.  So that's my best bit of advice.

Surgery 1/6/11 , 14ml band - 0ml fill      
debbie H.
on 1/21/11 11:16 am - AR
I definately have night munchies and was given this recipe for a protein shake and it has really helped me. 1/2 banana, 1 scoop of protein powder (van or choc), 4-6oz of coconut milk, 1T of peanut butter, a teaspoon of vanilla,4-6 ice cubes.BLEND in blender. I'm trying 1% milk tonight because I'm out of the coconut milk. It doesn't blend as thick and not sure if it will be as sustaining, but the origional worked for me. Good Luck!
Melanie C.
on 1/25/11 5:53 am - Inverness, FL
That protein shake sounds very good... ty for sharing the recipe
debbie H.
on 1/25/11 7:55 am - AR
I went back and calculated the calories. If you go with 4 oz of the coconut milk, instead of 6oz, and if you are careful to use a half of a small or medium banana, there's 275-325 calories. The coconut milk from a healthfood store is just 10 calories an oz. I'm also careful with my protein powder calories. If you are a true night munchie grazer person like me, you know it's easy to graze yourself into over 1,000 calories easily. This happens to work for me. It takes a while to sip it, and by then the protein kicks in and satisfies.  Good Luck!
on 1/21/11 2:01 pm - Alexandria, KY
I don't want to sound like a party pooper here or offend anyone, but that shake recipe SHOULD hold you - it has about 500 calories.  Depending on how many calories you're trying to maintain in a day, that could be a real diet buster...I know it would be for me.

You might want to try high volume, low calories foods to munch on instead.

debbie H.
on 1/22/11 4:18 am - AR
I'm still on liquids and "up a straw" foods. This was given to me here on OH. Didn't mean to mess anyone up, but it's working well for me.
on 1/22/11 2:43 am

a cup of flavoured, decaf coffee with cream and splenda an hour after dinner and, if that doesn't shut the carb devils up, I might have 1 oz of raw almonds (not the roasted, salted kind, which are just way too more-ish!) .  The crunch and the way those almonds "fill the void" always seems to do the trick for me! (gotta chew really well, though).

(deactivated member)
on 1/22/11 3:12 am - Des Moines, IA
I find drinking hot decaf coffee helps me when I want to eat and I know I don't need to eat.
on 1/23/11 4:23 am - McDonough, GA
Wow!  This is for jhawk and debbie.  I'm sorry, Debbie, that someone is giving you grief for the protein shake that I recommended.  For the record here is the cal count for the shake as I make it.

So Delicious Vanilla Coconut Milk (6oz)= 67.5 calories
Kroger Brand Just Right Creamy Peanut Butter (1tbsp)=95 calories
IDS Isolate Blend Whey-Chocolate Protein (1 scoop)=125 calories
1/2 small banana=36 calories
6-8 ice cubes=0 calories
Total Calories=323.5

The shake is not 500 calories and not 550 calories, 323.5 calories!!!  This makes a generous portion so I usually split it with my daughter.  That brings the calorie count to 161.75 per serving.  But, if I decide to drink the whole shake then so what?  If that it stops me from eating an entire king sized bar of Hershey's Dark Chocolate during my period then so be it!  Jahawk-don't discourage Debbie when she is trying to pay it forward, unless you at least do your research first.

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