expression of gas

on 1/22/11 12:59 am
 Will I ever be able to belch again?  I'm 3 days post op and oh boy is burping or even the sensation of burping painful.  Does this pass or will it from now on feel like this?  
No wonder the doctors tell you to give up carbonated beverages.  OUCH!  
So glad all my post op gas is gone.  That sucked!
on 1/22/11 1:32 am - West Yarmouth, MA
I am two weeks post op and I know what you mean!!! Don't worry, the burping will start happening and you too will sound like a drunken sailor!  I found that when I get pain in my stomach if I bend over, roll on my side, or jump up and down, I burp!
Surgery 1/6/11 , 14ml band - 0ml fill      
Bette B.
on 1/22/11 2:34 am
 Speaking from MY experience - oh, yeah. You'll burp again. And fart as well. 


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

debbie H.
on 1/22/11 3:54 am - AR
I'm 8 days post op and foe a few days I found there was this backlash to burping that hurt. It went away. Now I do burp like a drunken sailor and hope THAT doesn't last forever.I've done really well cause I walk and walk. Doc wanted 40 min. per day. Can be broken into 4 tens or 2 20's. I thought he was nuts at first but was determined to follow directions. Walking really moves gas.
on 1/22/11 5:19 am
DS on 08/20/12
I used to never burp. But since surgery a couple of weeks ago that's all I do. Mine hasn't been painful though.

Lap Band with Greater Curvature Plication 1/10/11, Conversion to DS 8/20/12 


on 1/22/11 6:12 am
 Thank you all.  I thought I was going to be stuck with this awful burping thing, but I figured a small price to pay.  
Yes, walking moves gas.  Mine was gone finally by day two.  Now it's just business as usual.  
So glad to hear this forum is here.  It's been nice reading everyone elses' advice and stories.  Good luck to all of you just beginning this chapter.  
on 1/22/11 7:00 am - Louisville, KY
Ohh I know what you mean.I had the same problem and 3 days after the band I was able to burb for the first time,.It all goes back to normal.
Good luck to you! 
on 1/22/11 9:40 am - TN
Oh thank goodness... I've been worried about this too!
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