Are you finding....wishing I wuld have done it too!

(deactivated member)
on 1/19/11 12:43 am - Minneapolis, MN
VSG on 10/23/12
On January 18, 2011 at 8:16 PM Pacific Time, tab1975 wrote:
hey all

I have not posted here in a while.

On the 28th of this month I will be 6 months post surgery and I have lost about 22lbs.  Yes that is not alot of weight, but I have not done all that I could to lose this weight anyway.  I am so damn upset over it.  I just feel like a big a$$ failure.  I am not exercising and I am not eating right .  I find that I can eat just about anything so that is what I have been doing. 

But I wrote this because I have referred alot of people to my doc for the lapband surgery and I am finding that those people are opting for the gastric sleeve.  And with their weight loss results I am so wishing I would have done it too!

Have any of you had regrets about the surgery...wishing that you would have done a different procedure?  I am ready to have this removed and do the sleeve myself!

Yes that is not alot of weight, but I have not done all that I could to lose this weight anyway. 

I am not exercising and I am not eating right .  I find that I can eat just about anything so that is what I have been doing.

...So what makes you think that some other WLS will be your saving grace? Especially another solely restrictive procedure that you can learn to adapt and eat around as well? No matter if you have a hunk of plastic strapped to the top of your stomach or parts of your stomach removed or your intestinal system rearranged, there is personal responsibility on YOUR part to keep up with the lifestyle change/plan associated with having WLS. And I'm sorry, you've made it clear that you haven't done that. 

Good luck with finding something that works. 

on 1/19/11 2:54 am - Searcy, AR
I have absolutely no regrets! I have lost 135lbs with the lapband!  Like you said earlier you have not put the effort into it.  Like with all things you get out what you put in.  I had quite a bit of motivation to make it work because I paid the $17,000 out of pocket there was no way I was going to fail.  It takes a lot of work and it is not a quick fix.  Stop, reevaluate your situation go to the kitchen and throw away the food that is in your way! Its hard to do then go shopping there is  alot of good recipes on this website and you need to utilize them.  Go see your doctor and have a fill.  Dont let this defeat you you can do it ! If you have someone that can encourage you please lean on them for a time for strength.  Exercise!! Even if you walk to the mail box and back get up and do it.  Make little goals for yourself but do not reward yourself with food! Im sorry you are struggling but it is not too late! Keep on!
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