Allergic To The Band

on 1/18/11 10:43 am

What kind of symptoms would you have if you were allergic to your band?
I have had a terrible (I guess it's a rash). My skin is flaky, splotchy and red in spots, especially when I get out of the shower.
I have been diagnosed with eczema and my dermatologist thinks it's a combination of nerves and eczema since my ears and head itch, but I don't have the splotchy looking, irritated skin on my ears or in my head. It just so happened that all of this started not long after I got my band. My dermatologist doesn't even know that I have a band. What do you all think? It is bad on my chest, upper back and face. Could it be an allergic reaction to the foreign object (band) in my body?

on 1/18/11 11:11 am

I was told by my surgeons office that if I was allergic to the band that I would have a reaction with in the first 10-14 days after it was placed.  I was told that it would get red around the surgical sight and I would start swelling.  I think that if you are allergic to the band the reaction is on the inside and works itself out. Atleast that is what I was told.  Believe me, they thought I was allergic to the band at first.

If you are having a skin problem I would think it is probable something else.  But you never know.



(deactivated member)
on 1/18/11 12:05 pm - Des Moines, IA
Being a RN, I would have to say that  you would be dealing with the skin issues even if you didn't have the band. 
Phyllis C.
on 1/18/11 7:53 pm
I'm not so sure that lots of people do not have rejection issues related to the band.  It probably manifests in different ways for different people.

I always felt like I had some inflammation going on.  I had body aches and whenever I had any other kind of flu, virus or cold, it was worse after I had the band.

The body will always try to reject any foreign object.  The skin reactions you are having could be your body's way of reacting to the stress of having a foreign body implanted, both the band and the port.  When the body's defenses are down, our weaknesses become more prominent.

"Me agreeing with you doesn't preclude you from being a deviant."

Hermosa L
on 1/19/11 12:52 am
I have exzcema.. and it's different in different areas
for example for the most part I get behind my neck and in spreads to the side of my neck it's itchy and sometimes red and it gets very flared up .. and I have a small patch on my lower stomach that is dry and and a little itchy but it doesn't get red and flared like my neck does and I also have it on my scalp but on my scalp it's dandruff.. and I had to get a shot which helped my neck a lot and my head not so much he said the head dadruff is the cousin to the excema.. so I too believe it's part of your excema.. excema is a rash but they don't have a general name for it so it a bunch of different types of rashes...

Hermosa L
on 1/19/11 12:55 am
Mine is brought on my allergies, stress and anxitey ... do you have stress factors in your life that you didn't have before. I never had excemza either until after my band but I have alot more stress in my life then I did before work and family wise.. so because I can't express myself well my body breaks out..
on 1/19/11 1:30 am - Mexico
If you can attempt to prove this you could get your ins to pay for band removal and then during the same surgery you revise to a better solution for you. That way you can have ins pay for the OR, most of the surgeon fees, anesthesia, etc.

You pay the surgeon the additional fees for the revision but at least ins pays for the bulk of it.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

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