Bandster Hell

on 1/18/11 9:59 pm
Stuck in Bandster hell. Had my band on 12/16  no fills yet cause my doc is out of town.  I lost 15 lbs as of two weeks ago and nothing more and I am not feeling satisfied for long periods anymore.  I know I am still healing so I am trying not to worry about it.  I was getting frustrated UNTIL I redid my measurements today and 3 inches gone from my waist.  My fav. jammie pants fell down on me last night.  I get my first fill Feb.2 nd and I can't wait to keep going. 

Failed Lapband December 2010,Revision to RNY 2015.


on 1/18/11 10:03 pm - TN
Well look at that!  It's a secret Pollyanna moment!

My blog:  PaintingChef

on 1/18/11 10:44 pm
You can keep going between now and Feb 2 ---- eat small, frequent meals that are focused on protein and produce ---- lots of water in between.

I am sure you can do it!!!  You can satisfy your hunger wisely and keep it to 1,200 calories a day -- you should be losing on that amount.

Don't let the idea that 'bandster hell' has to mean that you stop losing.
Your band (even unfilled) is more restriction and help than nothing at all, and I'll bet you were able to diet and lose weight with no band at all.

Use this time to continue good bandster habits -- small bites, chewed well, no drinking your calories, no drinking while you eat, small/frequent meals.

Hang in there!!!

(deactivated member)
on 1/18/11 10:48 pm - Miramar Beach, FL
 I think this message is a "Bandster, Hell Yeah!"   

Feb 2. is just around the corner!  You are doing great, and will soon have extra help once you start getting restriction.  Keep up the good work (and maybe go buy yourself some new jammies as a reward!)

on 1/19/11 12:20 am - NC
Great attitude! It's refreshing to see a newbie that knows about Bandster Hell and that it will end eventually. Hang in there and keep it up! -Nikki

Start/293lbs   Current/189lbs  Goal/160lbs

on 1/19/11 1:27 am - RI
VSG on 07/10/12
Good for you. I  am in the same boat. Get my first fill tomorrow and hope it helps.

Lost 12 lbs and holding.

More clothes fitting better, too!
on 1/19/11 1:39 am - Scott, AR

I too had my surgery on the 16th and know exactly how you feel.  I lost 15 punds too but I'm eating more and not making as good of choices as I was in the beginning and so afraid I will start gaining some back.  I sometimes wait to long before eating and then I'm starving and take big bites and inhale the food rather than the small bites and the things we know to do..  My first fill is Feb. 1st and looking forward to it.  I seem to do well with choices most of the day but with my busy schedule its easy to sabatoge it before bedtime.... 

Congrats on inches lost and hopefully we will get through this phase without gaining....

on 1/19/11 5:29 am
OK we are bandsisters now.. same dates for surgery and fills.  :)

Failed Lapband December 2010,Revision to RNY 2015.


on 1/19/11 9:58 am - Scott, AR
Yes we are!!!!!  I really am hoping this works for us both!!!
on 1/19/11 10:18 am - NY
I can't wait to see my doctor on the 25th. Hoping he will give me my 1st fill.  I also have no restriction and after dinner want to eat more than I should, but my desire to be thin is stronger so I refrain from eating. I watch tv in bedroom out of the food area...We will all make it...



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