Really????? $#!@!!!!!!!!

on 1/16/11 9:54 pm, edited 1/16/11 9:55 pm
So, for the past 7 days I have been kicking butt. Eating EXACTLY what I am supposed to. Went to the gym EVERY DAY for 90 minutes and did tons of cardio. Could not wait to weigh in today (I felt like a size 2..... lol, the brain is a funny thing, right?). Hopped on the scale and I AM UP 2 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH! Yes, I know about bandster hell (first week in???) and I know that my body is angry with me and hanging on to every ounce for dear life thinking I am starving myself, but it still knocks you on your butt when you are expecting to see something encouraging when you put soooooo much effort in. I KNOW the scale will drop eventually, but I still am allowed to be beyond irritated. Funny how, in my brain, I went from a size 2 to a size 50 in a matter of seconds... ummm, or not so funny!!!!!!!!!!!! Back to the gym go I. Thanks for letting me vent.
Lap-Banded March 16, 2010

'once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right'

Vivian Prouty
on 1/16/11 10:23 pm - Fort Worth, TX
 Morning Jaxmom,

Ya know....that happens to me too !!!  LOL   I think it is probably the fact that muscle weights more than fat.    If it is a muscle gain that is OK !!! Also maybe it is water retention.   Trust me....I can gain 5 lbs. in water weight over night.   Don't beat yourself up.  Keep on doing the great work you are doing and soon that scale will be nice to you.  Isn't it strange how after our WLS we let the scales rule our lives.   LOL  Have a blessed day and congrats on all your hard work.   Trust me it will show on the scale soon.

Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian

Vivian Prouty      Obesity Help Support Group Coach  "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"


(deactivated member)
on 1/16/11 10:46 pm - Miramar Beach, FL
 I used to be a fitness instructor, and I can tell you it's probably water weight.  Your body needs water to utilize glucose in the cells during exercise.  When you start exercising, or when you change the type or length of exercise, the cells hang on to every bit of water they can, so they have the fuel to work.  Luckily, within a couple of weeks, your body adjusts.  

Keep up the good work!

Diane W.
on 1/16/11 10:50 pm
Revision on 08/10/12
Here's the silver are going to lose the weight.  Maybe not on your schedule, but if you are doing the right things it will come.  Be patient with yourself and know that your body will respond to the right fuel and exercise.  Be proud of yourself for getting to the gym and doing the right things! 

Jean M.
on 1/16/11 11:07 pm
Revision on 08/16/12
I know how you feel. I always want instant gratification.

It reminds me of how my mom used to pray, "God grant me patience, and grant it RIGHT NOW!

Hang in there!


Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: 





on 1/16/11 11:40 pm
Thanks all. Ya know what REALLY is annoying when you watch a show like Biggest Loser? When they get on the scale and don't lose, and swear they did everything right, the trainers never talk about how this happens to everyone!!!!! they look at the contestants with such disappointment, it seems. This happens to me every time I diet..... I am sure it happens to most... you would think they would want to share that with america. just sayin'
Lap-Banded March 16, 2010

'once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right'

(deactivated member)
on 1/17/11 12:11 am - Miramar Beach, FL
 Oh, that's just the tip of the iceberg about what they *don't* tell you on The Biggest Loser.  That show just ****** me off.  What they put those contestants through is extremely dangerous for *anyone*, even someone who has been healthy and fit their entire lives, let alone someone who is morbidly obese and sedentary!  It's inspirational, but very, very unrealistic.  Read this:


on 1/17/11 12:33 am - RI
VSG on 07/10/12

You know, this resonates with me immensely! I had the exact same experience.

I walked four days last week, went snow shoeing on Saturday, did a 45 min step aerobics video on Sunday, ate under 1000 calories everyday and still showed a two pound gain this morning.
It's so frustrating! I had a goal of being under 200 for my surgeon's appointment this week. Not sure if I'll make that or not....

Very disappointing to say the least.

I guess I'll keep on keeping on!!!

And without having gone through the surgery, I would have said, "I don't care any more"... however, after having gone through all that pain, there's no way I am giving up now.....

It's just wait and see.... but frustrating for sure!!!

on 1/17/11 12:53 am
I know what you are going through *sigh* I have really worked out these last two and half weeks. zumba three times a week and toning 3 times a week.

And all I have lost is a pound :o( .  My period is playing a major role in this right now I wish I would just start the dang thing lol.

The last week my breasts have been sore and that is the first sign Im getting ready to start, and Im retaining water like there is no tomorrow *sigh*. 

It seems like the more water I drink the worse it gets its not helping any.

I know why the scale hasn't moved but like you said when you work hard, and do what you are "suppose" to do and nothing moves its frustrating .

I'm so hoping when I finally do start my period which the doc said I might get all the signs to start but I might not start because of all the drastic changes in my body the last two months , but I'm so hoping I will see a nice lose on the scale .

My goal is to be a 315 by the 24th of this month and I'm at 318 .
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 1/17/11 4:56 am - RI
VSG on 07/10/12
Ladies, I am beyond the age when monthly cycles cause weight issues.. this is just a stubborn body hanging on to the past.

Yeah, it could be water weight too, but whatever it is.. I've seen this movie before...and it's getting old now....

Best of luck to all!!!
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