10 months - 15 lbs lost - help

on 1/14/11 2:40 pm
I am so sorry that you dread going in for a fill because of feeling "scolded". Ugh. that makes me mad. My surgeon has always been sooo supportive, even when I wanted to crawl under a rock because of gaining weight.

As far as going over 6cc's. I think my "sweet spot" will end up being between 6.5-6.7cc's. Unfortunately because of a leak, I never stayed long enough at that level to really work it. With a 10cc band, I don't think going over 6cc's is an issue, at all.

You got some great advice on your diet. Good luc****ep us posted.

Posted Image

01|17|08 lap band   08|12|08
01|17|11 port replacement
            07|09|12 hiatal hernia repair & band repositioning

on 1/14/11 2:49 pm - Athens, GA

I am gad u have a supportive Dr. b/c I have seen ppl post on here several times about the negative responses they get from their Dr. so they dread going and some even quit going b/c of that! :-(

The band can be difficult enough but for those that don't have that support system it makes it that much harder!

Good luck with the new port.




on 1/14/11 3:11 pm
Thanks Maria. I LOVE my Dr. He has the most amazing bedside manner. Very very supportive. Maybe too much so... haha... could have used more of a kick in the patootie at times.

I ALWAYS bring my Nook with me because sometimes I have to wait pretty long. I never get upset because he NEVER rushes me, answers my questions, and always is genuinely concerned with how things are going.

I will wait extra to have the extra time when I am in the room. ;)

Thanks. I am finally getting excited about the port replacement. Unless I win the lotto... then off to sleeve land I go.

Posted Image

01|17|08 lap band   08|12|08
01|17|11 port replacement
            07|09|12 hiatal hernia repair & band repositioning

Kate -True Brit
on 1/14/11 4:28 pm - UK

Ask Lisa O for the article she posts about feeling full.

You can go right up to the capacity of the band; in fact even more as the capacity does not include the tubing!

My tip, put a reasonable amount on your plate. Eat slowly. Then stop. Wait for about 3-5 minutes. Then ask if you are hungry.

I don't (well, I try not to!!) eat until I feel full and can't eat any more. I eat a sensible amount and then see how I feel a few minutes later (not too long - then food just starts to go down easily again).


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 1/14/11 9:55 pm, edited 1/14/11 9:55 pm - RI
VSG on 07/10/12

Do you have a nutritionist? They are supposed to help us over these  humps. I am in a similar situation, but I'm about 6 weeks out. I see the nutritionist on Tues for some ideas, and she told me to keep a food diary. I lost 12 lobs, but losing  seems to have stopped....

Also, I started seeing a psychologist as well, looking for some help with behavior modification. And exercise does help too.

I started exercising to get rid of the gas and bloating I had, but am keeping it up now to help move that needle on the scale!!

It's really frustrating, but I don't want to gain any weight back, so I am trying all these things to see what happens in the next few weeks....

Best of luck to you!!

Don't give up!

Oh, and don't let yourself get too hungry... It's too tempting to overeat. This has happened to me several times... and I regret it each time!

on 1/15/11 12:13 am - Murrieta, CA
REALIZE Band on 12/20/10 with
 I have not had my first fill yet, so I don't know what it will feel like, but I swear if there is supposed to be something in my body that sends a signal of fullness to my brain, I was born without it and it sounds like you were too.  Hopefully you will eventually find your sweet spot.  I wanted to mention that right here on OH the nutrition tracker is very cool.  Not only does it have a food log it creates reports on your protein, carb and fat consumption that you can export.  Its a pretty cool tool.  It is good for me to log everything since I do have a tendency to forget what I eat.

Lynn C
on 1/15/11 1:10 am
Ok, first your doctor is trying to do whats best for you (I hope) but he should never make you feel that way. You're paying him, its his job to assist you in your journey so I would just say "Doc, I know the rules and I have followed them, done this and that, etc....please do not treat me like a child who knows nothing, I need your help, we need to work together to figure out how to make this work for me" Lets face it, everyone is different and what works for some of his other patients may need tweaking to work for you.

I think restriction is the wrong word to use for what the band does - its purpose is not to physically restrict food - if this is how you are using it you will end up with problems from pouch packing.  Its a tool that when combined with a sensible diet (some people can tell when to stop eating on their own, I think most people with the band however should always measure their food to prevent over eating and pouch damage) will PROLONG satiety.  The band will not make you feel FULL or tell you to stop eating, it will make your feeling of satiety last longer on less food. Its such a fine line and hard place to get to.

Getting all your fluids, exercise, weighing/measuring all your foods and tracking them is at least a start. Every time you track a meal also track how you felt and why you ate it (hungry, really hungry, board, it was a special treat, etc). If you do this for a while, stay in your guidelines and still have problems at least you can bring it all to the doctor and say OK - this is exactly what I've been doing and how it feels - what can I change. Its a start.

Good luck

Lynn C ~
Banded 9/12/2005 ~ Revision to VSG on 9/7/2010 ~ Losing again with a Keto lifestyle

(deactivated member)
on 1/15/11 4:31 am
on 1/15/11 6:21 am
My fills have been small also.  I appreciate this is a good approach.  All of the nice replys have been so helpful.  It is just what I need.  I'm committed to putting more reponsibility in making it work.  I have postponed my next m.d. visit so I might have a better idea of the next best step.  My doctor is really nice.  This particular visit, I was feeling sensitive in advance.  I'll talk to him more the next time.
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