30 days post op, just getting my first fill!

Suzanne K.
on 1/14/11 10:39 pm - NJ
 Hi all,  I' m 30 days post op......

When I first got the surgery I was thrilled. I lost 12 pounds. Then i went to surgeon and he told me that  was due to the swelling around stomach. I had not had the band filled yet.  I'm going monday for the first one.....

Well after that, I started EATING more and more food.

Last night I ate pizza, chicken and fries .  It was the worst night of my life. 
I had the most horrific pain. Nothing helped. I wanted to die! I couldnt make myself throw up. I tried all night. Horrific!!!

It's morning now. I'm so sad that I did this to myself.

Help. I'm such a food addict and I don't want to feel that way again.

Any suggestions?

love and hugz, suzanne

on 1/14/11 10:57 pm
 Now you know ...

As you get filled the hunger will start to go away, but the head hunger is harder to get rid of.  I find the fact that I know certain things are not going to go down...helps.


(deactivated member)
on 1/14/11 11:10 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA
 Suzanne, be very very careful, you are not 6 weeks post op - YET, and you are eating solid food too quickly, most are suppose to eat mushie food until 6 weeks post op, do you know your band is still healing? It takes about 1 YEAR before your band IS FULLY healed and formed scar tissue. Do you know if you don't allow it to heal properly and you start eating solids too quick your band will not heal properly and it may cause you many problems down the road, and it may put you at risk for band slippage.

I am over 5 years post op and I DOUBT my band will every slip at this point, because it feels different that it did 4 years ago because it was healing, now I don't even feel like I have a band in my body because I am sure it is well seated in position and scar tissues is holding it firmly in place, honestly my band did not feel that secure when I first got it, but know I don't even feel like I have a band inside my body unless I tried to shove food down my throat, what I am trying to say is you have to especially careful in the 1st year with your band than you do years out....let it heal and take care of it and it will take care of you with years to come. 

Suzanne K.
on 1/14/11 11:57 pm - NJ
 Thank you so much for all the help and information ladies.

I was not aware of the healing process, scar tissue, and all of the complications you say.....

I've spoken to my nutritionist and I am seeing her later.

Thanks for your words of wisdom. I am studying them and taking them to heart!


Suzanne K.
on 1/14/11 11:59 pm - NJ
 also, nana, you ROCK!!!!

on 1/15/11 11:29 am, edited 1/15/11 11:30 am
I was able to start all solids 2 days ago and I had mine on the 17th of December.  According to my instructions during week 5 I can eat solids and try anything I like except the stringing type of foods like celery, brocoli, etc.  and nuts. 
I understand where your coming from.  I have no liquid in my band yet and I know I could sit and clear an entire plate but I have to make myself stop.  I can't get my first fill until the 2nd of Feb as my surgeon is going out of town.  I can't wait to get it done.   Let me know how it goes.

Failed Lapband December 2010,Revision to RNY 2015.


Stephanie M.
on 3/14/11 7:29 am
Wow...please don't do that again!  Your band will never STOP you from eating...you have to do that.  You can cause irrepairable harm by over eating.  Measure your food and only eat that amount at each sitting.  If you are hungry, you can eat more often, but never eat more than you should.
Please have an honest conversation with your doctor about this binge, you might need some help to stay on track...nutritionist, counselor or other help.  With a fill, you will still be able to over eat and cause damage, so this is important.

Good luck to you, let us know how you do on Monday.



  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 3/21/11 1:02 pm
 Hi all,
So I got my band filled the doc put 4 cc of fuild in didn't really hurt until the next day. The doc said that would be normal. Because it was the first time it was done. So I just have to get use to the filling. I now have a better understanding of what my bff went though with her surgery. The doc did say that there was a small problem. The port is sitting at an angle. 2 out all the hooks are not connected like the rest of them. I believe there are a totally of 4 hooks. The doc said that if the port flips completely over he will have to go back in and fix it. Which is the last thing i want. But i am holding my own at this point. Wondering if i should just tell him the next time i go in to have it filled to just set up an apt and go back in a reconnect the 2 that are not connected. I know that i will have to start all over again with the liquids. I have been thinking about that alot lately. 85 percent of me just want's to tell him to just do it and the remaining 15 percent says no just leave it the way it is. I will have to make a choose soon.  
on 1/15/11 10:45 pm, edited 3/21/11 12:46 pm
 Hi all I had my surgery on December 29 th. I had my post op check up this past Thursday. I have lost 22 lbs since my surgery. I am going for my 1st band fill on Feb 10th. Kinda scared don't really know what to expect from this. I can tell u one thing i have the Best Friend Ever she is going to go with me to get the band filled. If u have a Best friend like that hold on to them. Before i left the hospital i was able to move on to phase two. I have now be able to introduce one food a day. This life is different from my old life. I am glad i did the surgery. I am also GRATEFUL for my surgeon he is a great guy. The day i was suppose to have my band filled the doctor could not find the port. Which as we all know is a bad thing. So that day he could not fill the band so i ended up going back on march 3 to have it filled. He also send me over for Xrays to make sure everything was going ok. Found out the band the line and port all still in tack. On march 3 i was finally able to have it filled. the doctor put 4 cc of fuild in my band. and said that i was good to go. Have my 2nd fill on April 14. The only that really worries me is the port is tilted and not laying flat 2 out of the 4 hooks are not connected. If the port fill's completely over he will have to go back in and fix it . I don't want that so lets hope the port fall's where it is suppose to and the hooks connect. I pray to god for that everyday.
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