New year and same old crap, huh? LOL

Guernica Loser
on 1/16/11 5:08 am
oh, sweetie.  I'm so sorry you're going through pain.  Back pain, in my opinion, is the worse pain to deal with.  Focus on getting better and then worry about weight loss.  I know what you mean in terms of missing your routine.  Being sick sucks....That's my motto!!!  Feel better
I've been on prednisone and chemo for over 7.5 years.  Gained over 160 pounds due to pred. Highest wt. 410. Surgery wt. 365. Current wt. 299
See ya,400s, 90s,80s,70s, 60s, 50s, 40s, 30s, 20s, 10s 300s!!!!  
on 1/16/11 3:38 am
Glad to see you back.  I was looking for you and was hoping you were well.  I have faith that you will come back from your stay from Predisone land and will get your heath and weight back in line.

Guernica Loser
on 1/16/11 5:10 am
Hi you!  I've missed you and so many others.  I hope to be back soon and in rare form LOL.  (I really just hope to stop gaining from this freakin' pred and non activity crap).  How are you doing??? I hope all is well
I've been on prednisone and chemo for over 7.5 years.  Gained over 160 pounds due to pred. Highest wt. 410. Surgery wt. 365. Current wt. 299
See ya,400s, 90s,80s,70s, 60s, 50s, 40s, 30s, 20s, 10s 300s!!!!  
Karen R.
on 1/16/11 5:53 am - Peoria, AZ
To answer your question. I've been on insulin for 45yrs. My diabetes will never go away, I'm type1 since childhood. But the weightloss has made it much eaiser to control so I'm greatful for that. I haven't lost any weight in about a yr so if I could lose about 10 more lbs that would be great, if not I can live with it. I'm glad you never had to go on insulin. When that happens then you risk low blood sugar. That is awful and when it's bad enough  you will eat anything and everything just to bring it up. We'll keep fighting the good fight.
on 1/17/11 8:56 am

I so understand what your going through since I've been on and off prednisone most of my first op. I was banded on 12/21/10. For me it was severe asthma 2x (on 60mg  each time before weaning off over a 2 mo period), a severe allergic reaction to medication that swelled my face and eyes, and several dosepaks to reduce severe inflammation in my knees and spine. Then I had skin cancer surgery (lower leg) that kept me off my feet for 5mos since the incision wouldn't heal so no exercise and no weight loss. 
Its really hard when your medical condition requires  steroids or any of us get so very sick but we have no other options than to follow our Doctor's orders. It is so frustrating to kiss off your weight loss efforts and just try to minimize the weight gain because of prednisone, not to mention the other side effects you have to endure taking that stuff. I'm so sorry you have to go through all this and pray that  your flareup is over soon and you feel better. I've only lost 50 lbs since 12/21/10 but like you I still look at the bright side, its still 50lbs!

Take care of yourself. I miss your posts!


14cc band.1st fill 5.25cc,2nd fill 2cc; 3rd fill .8cc; 4th fill .4cc; 5th .4cc;.25 unfill          
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