New year and same old crap, huh? LOL

Guernica Loser
on 1/14/11 8:33 am
Hi all,

I haven't been on here at all, but today I thought I would stop in and see how many newbies are on the loser's bench.  What are the first things I read???  People upset over "bashing".  I didn't go and read the posts that are being referenced because I'm sure it's Lyn's  LONG LIST OF THIS AND THAT AND THE OTHER THING and Wasafatone telling people off and calling them stupid.

Consider the sources...misery loves company and that's all I have to say about that.

Life is full of choices.  I chose to block these two months ago and life is much better.  If you want to know more about the band go to the revision board and this board and read, read, read.  99.9% of people are intelligent enough to make a decision for themselves along with their surgeon's help.  Choices...we all have them.  Educate yourself and make the best choice FOR YOU.

As for me... I've been pretty sick from vasculitis (totally unrelated to my band).  I hope to be feeling better and on the other side of this flare in a couple of months.  In the meantime I'm trying very hard not to gain anymore from the high prednisone I'm on.  I've been bed ridden for a while and it hasn't been fun, but I thank God for my band. I actually miss working out!  When I was on this high of pred last time I gained over 150 pounds.  This time it's 20 pounds, so I'll take it (but not happily).

If someone on here ticks you off just block them.  Hell, block me if you'd like.  It's all good.

To those that have helped me during my first band year (and you all know who you are...)  THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!  You have meant so much to me and I really hope to be active on here again soon. 

Keep doing what your doc told you and work your band.  If you throw up more than once a week due to being stuck get to your doc and get some fluid out.  Being too tight doesn't mean you'll lose more.  YOU'LL actually me I know.   Just my little FYI as I go back into the kingdom of chemo and prednisone.  blah

(although I'm pretty sick and gained from it, I am truly much happier than I was a year ago.  I'm still down 57 pounds compared to last year and that is wonderful)

Love, light  and health in 2011 for everyone,
I've been on prednisone and chemo for over 7.5 years.  Gained over 160 pounds due to pred. Highest wt. 410. Surgery wt. 365. Current wt. 299
See ya,400s, 90s,80s,70s, 60s, 50s, 40s, 30s, 20s, 10s 300s!!!!  
(deactivated member)
on 1/14/11 8:39 am - Des Moines, IA
Hi Guernica!  Missed seeing you on the board.  Happy 2011!  It's going to get better for you!  I'm sending you positive thoughts for better health.  Keep us updated on how things are going for you.

Guernica Loser
on 1/16/11 4:43 am
Thanks so much, Kristi!

You look amazing!  I'm so proud of you!!!  Thanks for always being there!
I've been on prednisone and chemo for over 7.5 years.  Gained over 160 pounds due to pred. Highest wt. 410. Surgery wt. 365. Current wt. 299
See ya,400s, 90s,80s,70s, 60s, 50s, 40s, 30s, 20s, 10s 300s!!!!  
(deactivated member)
on 1/16/11 11:45 am - Des Moines, IA
Awwwwwwwwwww, thanks.  I'm praying for healthier days ahead for you!
on 1/14/11 8:46 am
xoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxo soooo good to hear from you. only good things for you... hoping you are on the mend soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please take good care of yourself! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Lap-Banded March 16, 2010

'once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right'

Guernica Loser
on 1/16/11 4:44 am
welcome back to you, too!  :)  Let's make it a great 2011 shall we?  The block button is the first step LOL
I've been on prednisone and chemo for over 7.5 years.  Gained over 160 pounds due to pred. Highest wt. 410. Surgery wt. 365. Current wt. 299
See ya,400s, 90s,80s,70s, 60s, 50s, 40s, 30s, 20s, 10s 300s!!!!  
on 1/14/11 9:18 am
 Hi Guernica!

Sorry to hear you're having a flare up and on that evil drug prednisone.  I hope you're feeling better very soon.


and I ain't blocking there

Guernica Loser
on 1/16/11 4:46 am

my coach sister!  Oh, if I came on here in mid pred rage you may think twice about blocking me LOL.  I'll just say my mom is a saint!!  Things are getting better though.  I've been able to taper down from my high of 80mg, so hopefully in a couple of months I'll be in the low doses again.
Happy 2011!!!

I've been on prednisone and chemo for over 7.5 years.  Gained over 160 pounds due to pred. Highest wt. 410. Surgery wt. 365. Current wt. 299
See ya,400s, 90s,80s,70s, 60s, 50s, 40s, 30s, 20s, 10s 300s!!!!  
(deactivated member)
on 1/14/11 9:29 am
Hello Darlin',

Glad to see you again, and I wish you a wonderful 2011 too!  Someone here was asking if you had been around just the other day.

You just got lucky and showed up after the matinee...some people just don't have anything better to do  It was actually pretty quiet on here during the holdays.

Good to hear from you.
Guernica Loser
on 1/16/11 4:48 am
Hey girly,
You're doing great and looking fabulous!!!  I'm happy to hear it was quiet over the holidays.  I guess they were busy bullying people in the real world then, huh?  :)  

Thanks for all the support over the year.  Keep up the great work!
I've been on prednisone and chemo for over 7.5 years.  Gained over 160 pounds due to pred. Highest wt. 410. Surgery wt. 365. Current wt. 299
See ya,400s, 90s,80s,70s, 60s, 50s, 40s, 30s, 20s, 10s 300s!!!!  
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