Wish people would stop hating on the band

Nic M
on 1/13/11 1:25 am
Thank you, Adorkbl. If you knew me "in real life," you'd see that I'm not all doom and gloom... except when it comes to banding!  It was such a profoundly negative experience that I just can't help but be affected by it, you know?  I'm actually quite a bit of a happy rainbow farter, though, honestly!  Well, sometimes they sparkle instead of being rainbows, but same thing.

Back when I had my band, I got extremely peeved when I would hear people say anything bad about it. Even as I was going through severe complications, I didn't wanna hear it!  And then it got so bad that I really couldn't avoid facing reality. And when I think back to all the times I said, "No, not getting the band removed. I'll get fat again." I feel ashamed that I would put being thin ahead of being healthy. So I had cute clothes... I also had a twisted stomach and damaged diaphragm. I was a mannequin, not a human at that point. 

Thanks for your understanding and support. It really means a lot to me.



 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


(deactivated member)
on 1/13/11 1:33 am - Minneapolis, MN
VSG on 10/23/12
On January 12, 2011 at 10:06 PM Pacific Time, N. M. wrote:
I am genuinely happy for the people for whom the band works. I, however, "hate on" the band because it almost killed me. And I'm watching several close friends who have bands suffering daily with complications.

This board can be so backward. When you NEED support the most... when you have complications, pain, etc... no one wants to hear about it. Some support that is! When a person tries to help others avoid the same complications and pain, that person gets accused of negativity. How anyone can even read this board and not see the truth is beyond me, honestly. EVERY DAY there is another thread about complications and EVERY DAY there is at least one thread about someone choosing to have the lapband surgery. It's like people only read and believe what they want to ... until it happens to them.  What are you going to do if you develop a problem?  Are you going to read about the bad stuff then?  What if no one who experienced the bad stuff is here to talk to you about stuff you're going through?   There will be plenty of rainbows and sunshine... which will be of absolutely no help to you whatsoever.

"This board can be so backward. "

Really? You think?!

I am truly sorry you had serious problems with your band. Every time I read your story I want to jump through the computer and hug you. It's not fair that you had to go through that. I'm also sorry you feel unsupported and constantly are being labeled as "negative" for telling that story. Your story NEEDS to be told because Lap-Band surgery is nowhere near as easy as it's touted to be. It's just a damn piece of plastic, for crying out loud.

"I am genuinely happy for the people for whom the band works."

I feel like I need to call bull**** on this, to you as well as MWG AKA Bubble and others as well. Because like you, I also feel totally and utterly unsupported on this site. (Frankly, I feel like it's a bunch of catty old women who have nothing better to do than to play "doctor" online all day.) And yet, my story is **NOTHING** like yours. When I try to tell mine (I lost 120 pounds in 9 months; have easily been able to maintain that weight loss for over a year; have had 4 fills total/no unfills; and no joke, total out of pocket expenses thus far for my band (all fills and all pre/post op appointments) put me back $175 total), I also here's examples of responses I've gotten since being banded:

1. I'm somehow lying that I lost that weight in that time and lying that I've had no problems because apparently every single banded person has to have major issues.

2. Even if I did lose that amount of weight and had no problem doing so that because one particular study showed that 25% of banded patients have to have their bands removed (SUGGESTING THAT THE OTHER 75% KEEP THEM) that no matter what I would encounter a myriad of problems, my band will absolutely fail, therefore I'm a failure and an idiot for picking a band and I'll gain all my weight back and more.

3. I'm still "jaded" and a "newbie" and "don't know how it works" because I've only had my band 2 years and that I'm supposed to come back in 5 years and report my total and complete failure because again, that's what happens to all banded patients.

So... yeah. It would be nice if no matter the situation major problems and major success, we could be supportive. And no, I'm definitely not pro-band for everyone.

Nic M
on 1/13/11 1:42 am, edited 1/13/11 1:43 am
Honest to God in Heaven, I am happy for you!  I know you don't actually know me, but I TRULY AM  most happy for people who have bands and DON'T have tremendous problems. I mean it when I say that... because I know how isolating it is to have the opposite reality.

I know this is gonna sound all Pollyanna-ish, but I feel for everyone because being fat is miserable and I hate how it makes me feel... and I know others feel the same.

Thanks for the honest message. (gawd, that just sounds so... Dr. Phil, doesn't it?!) I don't know how else to say it! 

edited because I added an extra "happy" in there and it sounded like we were on Sesame Street


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


(deactivated member)
on 1/13/11 2:19 am - Minneapolis, MN
VSG on 10/23/12
Thanks for your honest message in return!!

I think isolated was a really good way to put it. And being isolated sucks! I wish you didn't have to feel isolated. I hope I never have problems- if I do (and for those who are currently experiencing problems) it would be really nice to have support without the "told you you would fail" and the "it's YOUR fault you failed" speeches that are so well known around here.

Man, nobody outright wants to fail, right? I'm sure over the years there have been a large amount of people that have bought in to the "easy" hype of the Lap-Band and then screwed it up royally, but that's not the case for everyone and it's unfair to always assume that a problem was always no matter what caused by user error. And for those that researched their asses off, made all the right choices and STILL had issues, I can understand why you and others feel this way.

And yes, although I very much so like my band and I'm ecstatic about my results thus far (and my job is stable and my insurance is good in case I do encounter problems), I feel like there are a lot of extremes represented here unfortunately. And maybe that's the takeaway message from this whole post. The band can definitely work for you, but it can definitely NOT work for you too for many reasons. And the people trying to push other surgeries/options that have had bands may have a poor way of showing their concern (although in my mind it's kind of stupid anyway to compare a surgery in which a portion of the stomach is removed to one that straps a piece of plastic across it- not saying you can't lose weight with a band but it's much harder), yet I guess the concern is still there. I can see why one would ask (especially to self payers) why they would take a chance on a surgery that may work really well, but may also just work kind of well or not at all, or that may require more surgeries. And that's not a reality for every bandster, but it's definitely one that is very possible.

All of that being said, I have been fortunate thus far that my insurance is good and my clinic is exceptional!!

Have a good one, Nikki!
on 1/13/11 7:18 am
Allison... congrats on your success! That is an amazing loss. :)

Posted Image

01|17|08 lap band   08|12|08
01|17|11 port replacement
            07|09|12 hiatal hernia repair & band repositioning

Kate -True Brit
on 1/12/11 3:34 pm - UK

Block two people and 90% of the nastiness disapears from your screen. Leaving the accounts which we need to read of problems to look out for but without the sheer  aggression.

The aggression and over-vehemence just frightens post-ops and long chunks of copied text and stats don't get read! So not constructive. But some people (like N.M. and Zee Starlite) post calm and reasoned descriptions of their problems which we need to read.


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


(deactivated member)
on 1/12/11 4:56 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA
Congrats on your weight loss  and I TOTALLY AGREE! I think the band is the most HATED because there is lot of bitterness and jealously towards those who can lose weight with the band because we can manage to get the weight off complication free..OUR LIFE IS SET forever and we KEEP restriction FOREVER without changing our anatomies.

There used to be board monitors that would not allow people to harass others on OH, now they just have the block button and I have MANY BLOCKED, but they still find a way to respond to my post, I think they are mentally ill. The Lap band board use to be a very happy pleasant place to come, you see NOW that the band has matured most of the abusers have slipped their bands or had it removed and NOW they have a new wls called the Sleeve that THEY THINK is their new savior and oh how they say it is so much better than the crap band, I guess if they take your stomach out you can't abuse that lol, but when their Sleeve stretch out who are they going to harass then.
No other surgery including the Sleeve, RNY, or DS have the ability to JUMP START WEIGHT LOSS at 5 or 8 years out ....NONE except the band and without long term illness and problems.

I have read posts from several people that revised over to the Sleeve from the band and are NOW living with chronic anemia and other long term illnesses, there have been MANY than revised over to the Sleeve and did not lose ANY WEIGHT, many have complained that they had MORE RESTRICTION WITH THE BAND THAN WITH THE SLEEVE.

I am not bashing the Sleeve at all, I lurk that board now since ex bitter bandsters are saying it is SO much better than the band, but that is NOT true, most complain about chronic reflux and burning and MUST be on prescription acid reducers for life, and there is ALWAYS a risk of stomach leakage ANY TIME per my surgeon and CAN HAPPEN YEARS OUT, not just after surgery. Also my surgeon says that the Sleeve WILL STRETCH OUT OVER TIME, the only reason most Sleevers lose weight quickly is that MOST have a very HARD RECOVERY since the stomach is removed and they lose their appetite for awhile and THAT IS THEIR WINDOW of opportunity to lose weight by torture just like RNY, most invasive surgeries WILL induce QUICK weight loss by simply having a HARD time eating anything and when they HEAL and CAN eat a bit more their WINDOW of WEIGHT LOSS IS OVER, UNLESS they DIET and exercise to get the reminder of the weight off.

The one thing I can say about the band is...If I have reflux, I can get a unfill, if I am too tight, I can get an unfill, if someone with the Sleeve can't eat or develop a stricture like RNY or can't drink they have to be hospitalized to try to stretch it out, MANY lose weight quickly if they have complications if you call this REAL weight loss so be it.

I remember those SAME band bashers, Bubbles-butt aka Midwestern-girl, in 2006 I remember when she first got her band in Mexico, she did not listen to nothing most experienced bandsters had to say, she was a KNOW IT ALL, since she called her self a nurse ...lol, she THOUGHT she could OUT SMART the band, by being too tight, I remember when she slipped her band, she would argue with Sandy R about how to live with the band.

Most people with the band DO NOT BASH THE SLEEVE, we DON'T care if you have the SLEEVE, if someone decides to get the Sleeve that is THEIR business, we are all in weight loss together, the band is THE SAFEST WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY THAT IS A FACT. I am going on 6 years post op, I have NEVER been in the hospital TO DATE, with complications from my band (knock on wood). I don't even take vitamins every day, I have NO vitamin deficiencies at 6 years post op, but if you ask the average Sleever that is more than 3 years out THEY DO (there are NO SLEEVERS MORE THAN 5 YEARS OUT) , if you ask the average RNY person THEY DO, plus they have several hospitalizations, under their belt, even if they are successful (If a bander is hospitalized due to band issues it's simply from being too tight which IS AVOIDABLE) or in a rare case their bodies may reject it...I am not even going to mention the DS, that surgery is just too radical.

The lap band CAN be a disaster for people that are NOT PREPARED or not willing to follow the lap band diet or for those who self pay and can't afford AFTERCARE or NOT responsible and have a past bulimic problems these people SHOULD NOT BE BANDED PERIOD. This is why they have different weight loss surgeries options for different personalities or those than do not want their anatomies changed.

I am a firm believer that MISERY LOVES COMPANY, meaning I would be very suspicious of people that try to recruit or LURE you to their surgery, perhaps they WANT you to be in misery with them,  I mean why would I CARE if someone gets RNY, or the Sleeve? If I am HAPPY and complication free I could care less which surgery someone else gets right?

I am going on 6 years post op, living a normal life, I have no eating problems, I still can't eat but 4 -5 oz of food at a time, the lap band is the ONLY surgery that restriction last as long as you live, as long as you don't abuse it and take care of it, I hope to go to my grave with my band, I have no port problems or band issues, I followed rules of post op healing and now I am reaping the benefits of longevity with my band. I'd be embarrassed to harrass others about their weight loss choices, people work very hard for their weight loss with the band and they DON'T NEED to come here to a negative forum, the REGRETS forum is no longer used, someone needs to start complaining...there are MILLIONS of successful bandsters that no longer come here, I really don't have a need to come here, I am not having problems, but I do want to get off some weight I gained back from being unfilled last year and DAMN I just want to post in peace without being attacked by angry band bashers, I think we need to send a note to the management. 
Ms Shell
on 1/12/11 11:17 pm - Hawthorne, CA
I'm sorry there is a REASON why so MANY people "hate" the band.  If the other surgeries are so much more dangerous then WHY is there so much hate for the "mere" BAND...ever think about that.  And most of the hate is COMING from the people who have had the band.  That tells me everything I need to know.

While this is where you asked me the question but take a minute and use you MIND.  Even with life threatening complications AND leaks and vitamin deficiencies as you stated to me...those people would STILL get their surgeries...can you say that for those who have had band complications.  Doesn't THAT tell you something I mean seriously.  People almost die from a leak and would still get the sleeve.

I am against the band for various reasons and I will come back to elaborate to you but right now I have to go to work I was just surprised that I was asked WHY I would want to SAVE someone...brb...

Ms Shell

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

on 1/12/11 8:48 pm - Mexico
Drooping lbs....

~~I agree Melanie.

Why bother coming to this board if you are just gonna bash the band?

She is not here to "educate" anyone.

I would sure hate to be the type of person who didn't have any "real" friends and had to spend all my time on the boards!!!!!!~~

Yeah, right... those facts, stats, and peer reviewed studies tend to speak for themselves. YOU didn't do YOUR research before getting a band and now you are finally reading the truth and running scared.

Guess what? NOT MY PROBLEM.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 1/12/11 8:57 pm - Mexico

~~I am going to keep my band a tad looser in hopes of avoiding pain, chest pressure, PB'ing etc. I know that by doing this I am going to have to work harder with my band. I am OK with this. I HAVE to be. ~~

I kinda gotta call BS here.

You know, I think you are a sweet person, I think you are a respectable person. I really think overall you are a good, kind, and decent human being. But I'm still calling BS here.

You have a leaky band, you don't even HAVE a fill and you already experience pain and chest pressure with eating. Now you are going to fix a leaky port and get a fill and experience MORE pain and chest pressure along with more puking with a fill and you are COMPLAINING that the sleeve board gave you more support than the band forum? Seriously, are you for real? Please explain to me how fixing your port and getting a fill is going to give you fewer problems?

At some point you gotta cut your losses and move on. You have decided to increase your costs, risk your life, and this is a better option for you. Thus far I have respected your choice and not posted the obvious. BUT... when you COMPLAIN that the sleeve board gave you more support than the band forum... I just gotta call BS.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
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