How do you get 50-60 grams of protein per day???

on 1/25/08 11:52 pm
I know that some people feel supplementing with protein powers/drinks is  not the optimum choice. So tell me- how do you get in all that protein volume wise and calorie-wise?  When I am effectively restricted, I have a lot of trouble getting that many grams of protein with regular food. Do you actually add them up based on what you are eating? I have checked protein counters to see how much I am getting with regular food. Here are some sample gram values of basic protein foods: Chicken- 3 oz 25 grams Yogurt 7 grams Milk 1 cup 8 grams Tofu 4 oz 9 grams egg-1 6 grams Tuna 4 oz 28 grams Kidney beans 1/2 cup 7 grams Where's the room for vegetables? I am really curious.

Becca B.
on 1/26/08 12:03 am - Cincinnati, OH
Well you eat your protein first and then  your vegetables.  You should be eating about 1- 1 1/2 cups of food per most recommendations, is your doctor suggesting less than that?  If so then I can see where you would have trouble getting other things in.

Starting: 382  
Day of Surgery: 375  
Current: 325
Goal: 180

on 1/26/08 12:17 am
I do the protein first, but I  can't eat 1.5 cups at a sitting. Maybe I would be better off with less at meals and adding a couple of protein snacks if I can't do the whole 1.5 cups at meals?

Becca B.
on 1/26/08 1:11 am - Cincinnati, OH
You should be eating every 3 hours.  I just went to the dietician the other day, she increased my calories due to the amount of exercising I am doing but you could use the meal plan she gave me as a guideline and edit it to fit your calorie count. B: 1 hard boiled egg or 2 egg whites with cheese     1 WC oatmeal     1/2 to a whole small banana S:  1/2 cup LF cottage cheese      1/2 cup pineapple L:  1 cup lettuce and any vegetables I want      2 tbsp FF dressing      3 oz lean meat (tuna, deli turkey or deli ham) S:  1 small apple and 1/2 tbsp peanut butter D:  3 oz protein       1/2 cup starch       1/2 cup green vegetables

Starting: 382  
Day of Surgery: 375  
Current: 325
Goal: 180

on 1/26/08 7:23 am - DFW, TX
Just as a side note--there is no way I could eat every 3 hours.  Every doc/every nut is very different.  Check with yours to find out his specific plan for you.
Becca B.
on 1/26/08 2:00 pm - Cincinnati, OH
You are definitely right that every doc and nut is different in what they do.  I figure there may come a time when I can't eat every 3 hours, but they are trying to decide if I really need a fill or if I'm just not making good decisions.  I personally think I need a fill because right now I could eat about every 2 hours because I am starving.

Starting: 382  
Day of Surgery: 375  
Current: 325
Goal: 180

on 1/26/08 12:11 am - DFW, TX
Here's a typical day of how I get my protien...and I'm always over the 50-60 grams.  Most days a skinny latte from Starbucks to start the day--Venti Hazelnut Skinny Latte--15 grams of protien Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs w/ 1 T. non-fat milk--13.6 grams of protien Oscar Mayer Ready to Serve Canadian Bacon--9 grams of protien Lunch:  Taco Bell Taco--8 grams of protien Pintos and Cheese--9 grams of protien Snack: (usually on the way home) 1 piece of string cheese--7 grams of protien Dinner:  1 piece of tilapia--22 grams of protien Protien is always easy for me to get if I remember to start with it first.  Hope this helps.   I also eat a lot of chili which is high in protien, low in fat. Tonya
on 1/26/08 12:15 am
I don't feel like I am too filled, but maybe I am. I don't think I can get all that in. I can't do breakfast until 11 am. How many calories is that? Maybe I am taking in too little? Will have to start a daily count for a week. And remember to eat when I am not hungry. Thanks

on 1/26/08 12:20 am - DFW, TX
I can't eat first thing in the morning and I usually don't eat dinner until around 7.  I start my day with coffee and the warm liquid helps to open me up and start off with some protien.  Some days I can't eat all of the breakfast or the lunch but as long as you start the foundation of your meal with protien  you should be fine.   As a side note, my nut says as long as your averaging the protien over a week's time you are fine.  So if you are only getting 40 grams one day and 80 the next--you are okay.   Hope this helps,  Tonya
Frances S.
on 1/26/08 2:53 am - Zachary, LA
Another thing... if you are too tight to get your protein ounces in, please consider Tonya's idea of chili. Most chili recipes are going to give you between 30-40 grams in a bowl and it's mushy. I've been having trouble with solids (not from band being too filled) and I've also added cream soups. I use can soup as a base and add cooked shrimp and crab meat. I've even pureed the shrimp once to make a thick seafood bisque. Gets the protein without all that chewing and painful swallowing. Good luck! Frances
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