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the same day that i saw dr. sartor, he sent me to st francis hospiral for my preop blood work, ekg, and xray; unfortunately my blood work came back the next day showing i had an infection somewhere and my surgery was postponed; took 2 weeks of antibiotics and having to have 2 teeth pulled before lab work came back normal; he is soooo busy that i was placed back on surgery schedule for 7 weeks later (will be 12/14 now)...
hope this helps and if u need any other information just let me know
Ida Tate
I called Dr. Sartor's office. She said they are approved for Medicare reimbursement for WLS. They told me I needed 3 months of physician's documented diet. I guess when I have this I will call back. How strict is Dr. Sartor regarding approval for WLS. How long did it take after your first visit assuming met guidelines for Medicare to pay.They said my Medicare and Blue Cross would cover everything except 250.00 for psychiatrist.
What psychiatrist do they use and was there a written test or just face to face. What kind of questions do they ask. Did it seem easy to get psy. approval. Do you have to go on a liquid diet for does he require you to lose weight prior to surgery.
Overall how hard was it to get approval from the physician's standpoint.