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Topic: RE: Low and Behold,Im APPROVED!!!
congratulations to u both. I remember being in yall's shoes 6 months ago. They gave me a date for 3 months ahead. I would bug the **** out of them until they gave me a date!!!!!!!!!! ;o) I have lost 185 pounds in 6 months, this has been the hardest journey I have ever taken.......................... but
OH so worth it! Good luck in yall's journey.
OH so worth it! Good luck in yall's journey.
Topic: RE: Low and Behold,Im APPROVED!!!
im sssssooo happy you finally got your approval!!!... maybe what i said will be true we will all have our vsgs around the same time..she hasnt called me for a date... im hoping she will by friday ... if not i guess ill call back monday eventhough im nervous too...cuz she might "put me to bottom of pile"... im thinking maybe they wait to get a couple approvals in before the set some dates... and if what she said was true when i went last time it will be in June... idk let me know if you hear anything...
Topic: RE: I recieved my approval letter from medicaide!
Im so glad I finnally am approved,I am waiting for a date now,have they called you yet?
Topic: Low and Behold,Im APPROVED!!!
Praise the Lord! I recieved my approval letter today! I checked the mail @ 3 pm and faxed it to Dr Bellows @ 3:30,left a message for sheila.Im now waiting on them to call me with a surgury Date,but im not gonna hold my breath,lol.Praying that they call soon though and that its not 2 far away! So Happy to be able to post something positive for a change.
Topic: RE: Sic & Tired of being treated like crap!
Hey girl try not to let her get to you. she acted the same way towards me too. I think she is just over worked and unhappy. Medicaid does not get mad if you call them. I promise you. i called them every three days to find out if my stuff was sent to them. Personally I think that was her excuse to get you off her back. just my opinion but here is why. I was done with my stuff Oct 27th. My stuff was not sent to medicaid until December 10th. I was told in October at my last appointment that it would be sent as soon as I saw the cardiologist again. I did that Oct 25th and they had the report Oct 27th. So I know it does not take that long to write a letter to medicaid and send all of the stuff to get approval but I feel that they sit on stuff until they finaly get to it. Medicaid only took less than two weeks to approve my stuff. So it is not medicaid. And she told me that medicaid at the time was two months behind. HMMMM for being so behind they approved mine quickley. Anyways sorry so long winded. Just dont give up hope and keep calling Sheila and Meidicaid. If I remember right they recieved mine on the 10 but didnt put it into the computer until the 14th and was approved by the 22nd. Medicaid wont care. They get paid by the hour lol.
Topic: RE: Sic & Tired of being treated like crap!
Sound like if that woman doesnt like her job she needs to find another one and medicare doesnt play favorites like that they work them in the order they recieve them. That is so sad you are being treated that way you r nicer than me cause i prolly woulda went down thier face to face and had a lil talk with her smart ass !!!!
Topic: RE: Sic & Tired of being treated like crap!
omg thats horrible... im sorry this is happening to you. I called yesterday to make sure she got my new number and my approval letter and she seemed to be in a bad mood... i called med. like 3 or 4 times and my stuff wasnt put to the bottom so idk about that part... and i agree if it wasnt nessesary then no way they would pay for it thats why we had to go through all the pre op hoops..