I barely can. After years of waiting I am finally having my surgery on monday in Covington with Dr. Ordoyne. Just two more days to go. Me and my sis, along with my 3 y/o will be leaving for Covington tommorrow and staying in a hotel. I am excited but also nervous. I am mostly worried about my son, except for my sister I am all he really has. After surgery I will be able to do much more for and with him. It is really difficult trying to play with and care for a 3 y/o being over 400 lbs. Well I am grateful for the opportunity to be able to have this life changing surgery, wish me luck : - ).
Mona M
hi mona. i hope this reply gives you some comfort. i had surgery monday and went so well i still can't believe it. im talking NO pain. just alot of tightness in the stomach area. let me tell you about me. i nearly drove myself crazy wondering what would happen to my 7 year old if i died during that surgery. yes i am married , i am 41 and my husband is 48, but he has lots of health issues and a drinking problem.
he is a terrific father, but being an alcoholic is not good. i prayed and prayed and prayed and asked God to remember how much that child needs me in her life, and i also have a 20 year old son who is on his own. Mona, trust inGod and he will not let you down. That is what gave me the strenght Monday morning to get up on my birthday and go have that surgery. Honestly it went so well and so pain free it's kind of scary. i have not filled the prescription of pain med's he sent me home with and doubt that i will have to fill it.
if you know you have chosen a good doctor all will go well, I promise you. im so glad to be sitting here today and being able to offer some confidence to someone. i was sitting on my swing this am and it was raining. i thought to my self, I dont care if it stroms. im just so glad to be alive. good luck mona, let us know as soon as you are back home and how it went. WE ARE ON OUR WAY TO BEING SOME BIG FAT LOSERS. HA-HA............. KATERI