Ups and Downs of Gallbladder Medicine
My doctor put me on a medicine for my gallbladder that is suppose to keep it healthy during rapid weight loss. He said to take it for at least six months and I did. And luckily I still have my gallbladder so it was worth it. The down side is that it can make you gain weight or lose it slowly which I have been doing. But now that I have stopped taking it I'm losing a pound to two pounds a day. I'm ecstatic about it too. It's TTOTM and during that time I gain about a pound, but this time I have lost 5 lbs, can't wait till I get off and see how much I lost then. Just thought I would share that with you. Even losing slow I would still have taken the medicine to keep my gallbladder. One less surgery.
One more day till I'm sailing to Mexico can't wait. Hope everyone is having a good day. Take care,