home from surgery
Yes I am alive and home from surgery. everytrhing went perfect. hardly no pain. just tightness in my belly. my doctor said he could not ask for an easier surgery. Thank God and thanks to everyone for all the prayers. I now realize i tortured myself with fear for nothing. I had surgery Monday and came home Wed. afternoon. Now i have to work on getting all them fluids in. so for the next few days I will get some
anyone getting ready for surgery, CALM DOWN is all i can say, before you know it you will be home and fine. Kateri
hi carolyn, yes i know exactly who you are now. yes the surgery went perfect. i barely had to use the morphine pump, i feel great, it's just hard getting in all the fluids. it takes me the whole day and i barely make it. so you went to the last meeting,, i would of cried if i was there. i really hate to see him leave. im so disappointed he will not be around to see us after we lose the weight. this morning my 7 year old woke up with fever and diarherrea. just what i need. i called sharon she said first sign that i may be catching it to call her. she said i would dehydrate very fast if i catch it. so hopefully i won't. how are you doing with the weight loss?
keep in touch and take care. Kateri
Kateri, I have been wondering how you were doing. I'm glad everything went well with your "temple renovation"! That's what I prefer to call my surgery.... working on my temple. You will do fine, you have had such a positive attitude about everything. That's key.
Where are you doing your support? I need to find somewhere close, maybe we can meet up!