Who had a WOW moment(s) this week?
Good Morning Everyone,
I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead of you. It's that time again. Time to come out
and brag on yourself so, we can celebrate with you.
Who had a WOW moment(s) this week?
My WOW moment was going to my surgeons WLS seminar to support some friends and family and pre-op's asking me to see my before picture. It was pure bliss to see their facial expressions and to be able to talk with them about my journey.
What were your WOW moment(s) this week?
Hey Gina, been having computer networking problems so I haven't been able to get here very often lately, so here goes...
The week before Easter my family & I went to a paschal meal with my in-laws and my husband's Nanny & Uncle, aftwerward his Uncle said he didn't recognize me, he thought my husband had found someone new, LOL! I told him no he just is getting his "old" wife back, though I still have quite a bit to get to premarital weight!
I'm getting called "skinny" and "skinny minny" all the time now. I finally brought the "great 175 lb plateau" which seemed to last FOREVER, now I'm 170 and fitting in size 14's!!!!
Oh yeah, I'm just "overweight" officially now! Also, I'm enjoying shopping again (yes, I've reunited with my old friend, shopping, and we are quite happy together LMAO)!!!