Don't wanna eat!!!
Hey everyone!!!
Well...Now that my six weeks have arrived and I've been given the ok to start eating, I DONT WANT TO! It's like if i don't have an appetite or desire to even want to eat. I know i have to...but the thought of food is just not a good feeling for me!
All I want to do is drink water, juice or milk and eat a few saltine crackers sometimes. I don't even want my shakes anymore.
I don't know if maybe it's because the few things I've tried they just came back up or what the deal is.
I know I need to start eating things and I know I need to get my protein in but when you just don't have the desire and the thought of food nauseates you, what am I supposed to do???
Has anyone experienced this before?
This is the hardest time to get to eat. Itried things little at a time. A bite of this or that. At 6 weeks you can eat, but you aren't really ready to eat. It will take time. Just try little bites of things. I started off on fruits (like peach cups, mixed fruit cups). I gradually progressed from there. Even at almost 4months out stuff still comes back up.
Itwill be okay and I will see you Monday, right????