Rhonda you are looking wonderful. I noticed you had sleep apena before the operation, I was wondering how you are doing with that now that you have lost so much weight. During my sleep study I found out I have severe sleep apena. Does it cause any extra concern during the operation? I have not seen anyone since my sleep study so I don't know much about it yet. Any way keep up the great work and get to feeling better soon. Oh yeah, I noticed you live in Watson, so do I - I know my profile says Denham, but you know how it is living out here.
hi thanx everyone, ive lost 82lbs since 11/16/05, as for as the sleep apena, it was no big deal after surgery, usually they like you to bring the machine with you, yes , i live in watson, right off hwy 16, jodi, my grandson is almost a year old, but my son was young, and his wife at the time basically forced him to give it up for adoption (which was probably best) but we get pics still. not a good sitution rhonda
thanx everyone, on your reply, im feeling better , but food , i have to take it slow, which is good, so i won't overeat, i don't care for the pics, i am new at putting pics together, so , i would like to put the pics side by side so you can tell. i am very happy!!!! i feel so much better with this weight off, no more blood pressure issues, or diabetes, chrissy--- i use to work at lakeview, im hoping to go one night and see my old co-workers there, and hoping to go to fairway view to see the nurses, i promised them...... everyone is making good progress and looking great!!! weigh to go losers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rhonda 293/211/130