Sad News
Well, I've been waiting to hear back from a wonderful job about them hiring me. They have been doing an past employment/credit/criminal check on me. I really wanted this job. I got the call a while ago that they couldn't hire me because of my credit report. Go figure, I've been a single parent for almost ten years now and I try my best...yes a few things have gone on my credit report and I'm still working hard to clear that up. But geez, how are things ever supposed to get better if I can't get a damn job in my field. I do medical billing and collections. This is just such a HUGE set back for me and my boys. This is so upsetting!
Please pray for me to have strength to go on. This is just such a huge blow to me. I think I'm in shock!
Hello friend
I know exactly what you mean and the best advice I can give you is to keep on trying and you will find the right job. I had the exact same feeling when I applied for a Social Services Director position, back in 1999, and after two interviews, they informed me that I did not get the job. So stick in there and you will get the job that you desire. Christie, I believe if you knock on enough doors, eventually the right door will open and you will have the job that you have always desired. I know several possible website which might give you a headstart, go to and type in baton rouge official website or city parish government and it should lead you to all the city parish jobs. Chrisitie, you can also type in laworks and you will be connected to all the civil service jobs in louisiana and the baton Rouge area.Good Luck and take care.
Hey you.....haven't heard from u in a while!!! How have you been?
Thanks so much for the sites to go too.
After I cried for about an hour, I got over my pity party and searched the advocate for jobs. There is one for the NeuroMedical Center in BR that has a position and I faxed my resume and she called me but I was in the tub. I called her back and left a message. That position has been in the paper for over two weeks but I've been waiting to hear back from HCS. Maybe there waiting on me huh, LOL.
Did you check out my before/after pic? I'm excited! Today it's 36 pounds!!!!
its soooooo werid you wrote about this, b/c I was just talking about this to my mom yesterday,, I am in hugeeeeee debt b/c of not having a job and also being on disability and not being able to even get a lil job without it affecting it. So my bills are racking up and up b/c I can only pay so many every month, its kind of like I pick out of a hat!! Lol ,, thats susposed to be funny but it really does go like that!! Who ever is the nicest gets paid b/c I can only pay like 5 of my 9 bills a month,, so I am behind ,, I can't wait to start working and get ahead, I asked my mom yesterday how my credit would affect my being hired, so thats sooooooo weird you posted about this. I am sooooooo sorry you didnt get your job, its soo diaspointing when we want something and feel we are good for it or deserve it so much and don't get it, but like others said there must be something else out there that is better and pays more!! Keep your head up,, you have always been sooooo amazing in supporting me so if you need something to talk to just call!!
Thank you honey and i'm glad to hear your doing better. Guess what I did last night, I bought some soup from walmart that was sooooo good!!! It's made by Progresso, it's carb monitor, the flavor is Chicken Cheese Enchilada! Girl, let me tell you......YUUUUUMMMMMMM. It's $1.50 a can. And you can eat about 8 servings out of it! Try it.....delicious!!!!
Christie, email me, i know some folks in collections, not many, but, i use to do collections before i got into nursing, i don't know what type of $ your use to, but we can talk. I know about the credit thing, I had a the same problem one time when i was working collections. hope to hear from you soon. rhonda
Hey I know how you feel about not getting the job you wanted.
I had applied for admit rep at the local hospital in Slidell and thought I had a good shot at it but as it turned out I never had it. So I after getting upset for a bit I kept looking and my best friend called me and told me that her hospital was looking for an admit rep.
So I talked to Kim my mgr then and now director and I thought I was just going for the interview but she hired me on the spot!!!!!!!!
I was soooo shocked and happy and the pay was better too.....
I have been at Lakeview now for 2 years now. I had always wanted to work here when they bulit it.
So I know now I did not get the one job because I was suppose to have this one....
keep your chin up and keep looking I know the right job will come to you soon. I'll say some prayers for you too...
Take care,
Thank you everyone for your kind winds.....ya'll really help a lot when i'm down.
I just got a call from Louisiana Anesthesia, they do billing/collections for Womans Hospital Anesthia and i went on the interview with them about 2 and a half weeks ago. She offered me the job on the spot, but i couldn't accept the amount they were gonna pay, so i declined the job. Well, she just called and asked if i accepted another job anywhere yet, told her no and she told me they could start me off at the salary I was asking for. Although, the benefits aren't too great, but heck it's a job!!!!
I'll probably stay there until i reach my weight goal and then look elsewhere for one that has my full benefits, like 401 k, etc.
Am i excited, no not really! But anyway....i can wear scrubs at this job too, but mine are really too big for me now. friday is casual day and the hours are 8 to 4:30 which i wanted. who knows, once i get there i may get happier, but for now, it's just a job!
Thanks everyone