OHLA gift exchange
Ok, I've had a couple people ask me about doing a gift exchange at next week's meeting... I know it's last minute, but I've got an idea that might work.
My family did this one year and it was hilarious! We each brought a gift (cost under $20 was our limit of choice)... and put them all on a table, all wrapped up. The youngest person went first, then each of us in turn (around the circle) went next, etc...
First person chooses a gift, then unwraps it in front of everyone. Then each successive person decides if they want to "steal" a previous person's gift, or open another from the table. If someone "steals" your gift, you get to pick from the table again
Then after the last person has picked, the first person gets their chance to steal whichever gift they want, or keep what they have
At ours, I convinced my daddy to let me "steal" the rice cooker from him and give him my pack of CD writables. At that point the game was done, and my younger sister annouced "Great job dad, I'm gonna love using those" and he gave them to her so she giggled off with his gift and hers