OHLA Meetings changing.
Ok, by popular demand we are going to move the meetings. Frances and I will be meeting today to discuss how often/where we are meeting. The last several meetings have had problems with low numbers because of Katrina, but I'm hoping to get us back to "normal" soon.
My goal is to have a protein sampling at our next meeting
For those who have not yet signed up for the Baton Rouge meetings and want to get in on it. Visit http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/OHLA/ to sign up. Come join in all the fun!
Nah... it's cus most of us have taken to talking to each other on the phone Houston VERY DEFINITELY brought us together That and I've been working a LOT so I've been only available by phone a good bit of the time... that should change when I get my new laptop
That was mostly designed for photo sharing.