OH Event in Houston

Frances S.
on 11/23/05 1:12 am - Zachary, LA
This event was a blast and extremely informative. The speakers were great and the fellowship was priceless. Here's my pictures from the event. This is a monster-huge URL, so make sure you cut and paste all of it: share.shutterfly.com/action/pictures;jsessionid=C59CAF5D853C3BD534924231BA38F31Aa=67b0de21b33034742580&sid=8RbsXDlm0ZJs I too am longing for the end of this mission, but I'm so blessed to be able to enjoy the journey as well. Onward! Frances
Gina A
on 11/23/05 8:03 am - Spring, TX
Frances, Thanks for sharing the pictures with us. And thanks for letting me have yet another WOW moment when I saw myself in them. I didn't recognize the girl and realized it was me! I cried, I was so happy. You are such a wonderful and inspirational lady. You have been through alot but, always manage to pull through and that says alot about the type of person you are. You are a STRONG woman. I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. Keep on girlfriend. You will get there. Gina
Frances S.
on 11/23/05 10:07 am - Zachary, LA
She's you, she's you!!! You are beautiful, charming and inspiring as all get out. My brother told me that the transformation was visible and encouraging around Harrah's. Because of people like you, he might consider making a life-changing decision. Thanks for being awesome! Frances
Debra F.
on 11/25/05 8:26 am - Houston, TX
Hi Frances... I tried your link but it said session timed out... It was nice meeting you... you ladies are so much fun... Debra 227/205/130 1st Surgery/Revision/Current
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