Thoughts on Thanksgiving!!
I honestly think this is my favorite holiday and it seems so sad that every year it seems to get lost with Christmas decorations, music etc....It's not that I don't like Christmas, I just love to (and need to) reflect on what I have to be "thankful" for. It seems we get so busy with the holiday of Christmas that seems to hit us earlier and earlier every year that this truely wonderful holiday is lost.
I have so much to be "thankful" for and I have to admit it is really sad that I go through the poor pitiful me episodes when others have it so much worse than I do. True my checkbook does not have the balance I would like, got bills that need to be paid, something is always needing to be fixed or heck the kids have their hands out for money that I don't feel I have. There is always something, but I am alive and have a somewhat decent husband (some joking there) three sometimes wonderful kids and a great dog, she never gives me an grief . I have a roof over my head and a warm house to come home to daily. I do have a lot to be "thankful" for and it is a shame it takes a special holiday or a tragidy for me to realize what I have....
With the turn of events for this year with the hurricanes I want to say, I am very thankful for all that I have.
I hope each and everyone has a fabulous week and can look into your hearts and find some things to be thankful for....I know I have and I have a lot to be thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving to each and everyone.
Thanks JC, that was a great inspiration! We should all try to focus on the things to be thankful for, instead of the negatives...
I am so thankful for my OHLA pals... and all my OH family... this weekend I really FELT like I belonged... I had fun, and friends, and FAMILY where I was welcomed... I don't think I've ever felt accepted like that by anyone except a wonderful man that I married and hold close to my heart