I give up on...
finding a doctor....I tried and tried. I know I vent a lot but, I'm so tired of calling, writing and get a *NO* for an answer.....I have called StLouis, Chicago...Springfield,....Decatar,.....Champaign.....Aurora,....many places, you name it I called there....and all wont take Medicaid anymore or too full or havent got paid yet so their not taking any more patients....arghh! I'm on a fixed income and cant pay out of pocket expenses.....and my credit is shot from a previous marriage......
Hi Cam,
I am so sorry to hear you are having trouble finding a doctor to handle your case. A few things you need to keep in mind, all things happen for a reason, keep your head held high and most importantly, DO NOT GIVE UP!!!! You fight and continue to fight for what you want. Especially this. Keep researching and maybe post looking for people who have had the surgery with the medicaid card.
I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Just remember to fight for what you want.
Best Wishes,