
OT: Looking for SSA employees

April B
on 9/1/05 12:57 pm - Harrison, AR
Good evening all. I work for Social Security Admin, and we have over 300 employees in the Louisiana offices that were devastated by the hurricane and it's aftermath. Only 30 of those employees have been accounted for. If any of you know any Social Security Employees from that area, and what has become of them, please email me with their names and what offices they were from if you know and if they are ok or what. I sure would appreciate it. Hugs, April email countrygirlar@yahoo.com
on 9/2/05 7:30 pm - Southwest, LA
Communication is still now good from the affected area. There has also been problems with transportation to bring people out of the storm area, and when they do get them out, they are moved and sometimes moved again, because facilities are full. You can try to list being maintained by CNN. Go to CNN.com. The list gives the names, where they are from, where they ended up, and contact information.