My journey, my struggle
Seeing a new doctor today. The latest on me from my blog:
My Journey is now officially 'A Struggle'
When I think of journey, I think of a pleasant walk in the cool of day amongst fragrant flowers and churping birdies. When I think of struggle, I think of strolling through a cow pasture, landing in a hot, steamy one and tripping over my shoelaces now caked with nature's fertilizer.
I can still get there, but there will be no pictures (and few hugs) when I'm dun.
I don't want to quit, but I don't want to lose. I mean, yes, I would love to lose, but I'm not much on admitting failure. After losing nearly 80 pounds and gaining nearly 10, I feel that I'm stuck and maybe a concentration on something other than carbs and scales would be best.
(the rest at or click on "www" below)
on 6/8/05 1:04 pm - ~~, LA
on 6/8/05 1:04 pm - ~~, LA
Read your newest installment at your blogspot. I hope that everything goes well with the new Doctor that RealityDoc is referring you to. No one needs to go through life with that much pain every day. There has to be a solution...and to do that you have to deal with the main problem.
Take care and good luck!

I just read your latest blog entry. I hope this new doctor will be able to help you and get you out of pain. Don't think of your weight loss journey as a struggle. Think of this as a stopover along the way. Once you get this issue resolved and are out of pain, the journey can continue. Right now you need to concentrate on getting well. Hopefuly, when you are well again, the rest will fall into place.
My daughter had some trouble with her left ovary during her pregnancies. When she got pregnant the first time, she would have horrilble pain on the left side. An ultrasound revealed that she had a cyst on that ovary. It seemed the baby spent a lot of tiime on that cyst. She had a c-section when her daughter was born, but they left the cyst. She had another child 13 months later. This time, the baby was mostly on the other side, so she had less pain. However, when the doctor did the c-section he removed the cyst because it had grown from 2 cm to 5 cm in a year. After the tests on the cyst, the doctor told her that there was ovarian tissue in the cyst, so she had probably had it from birth and her pregancies had made it grow.
Good luck with your new doctor.
Cathy G.