Im home!
Hi every one...Had my LAP rny on June 9th and I am back to work for 1/2 day this morning...thought I'd let everyone know I am alright.
Not at the "happy I done this" stage yet. But I'm sure it will get better. I miss eating. Im not hungry but I WANT to eat...something.
Im on my full liquids...yuck!
Its hard because my husband is on pureeed and can eat chicken and tuna...
As of 1 week post op I had lost 9 lbs. Dr. says its okay...looks like a lb a day. Wi**** was faster..
I had to have a blood transfusion in the hospital and ran fever every night I was in there. I had a really rough time. But Im glad I am home.
Next Dr. appt is on July 1st...So I hope to have a better out look on what I have done to myself by then. (I am in the depression stage).
Thanks to everyone for your prayers and support...I really needed it!!
Bless you all!!
cherish-Franklin, LA