I just want everyone to know that i was proud to represent the state of Louisiana this past weekend in Arlington Texas at the WL event.
I do not have the words to describe what kind of a time I had......it was the best weekend I have EVER had and I DID NOT want it to end. Saying I had a blast is an understatement. I wish more of you couldh have attended......but this La. girl made yall proud.....and made Texas proud too! Bo McCoy...KirK Thompson..THE WHOLE OH staff are AWESOME!!!!!!!
I just want everyone on this brd to know that this site means so much to me and after the event I am truley at a lose for words. I am so happy that I met so many new friends and not only that, that we can all be ourselves and have a great time......I was allowed to say something to the crowd...I told them that I loved them all and that they were my family...and that was the GOD'S honest truth.....I am still overwelmed and still find myself wanting to cry.......cry happy tears....cry tears because I miss them all so very much!
SO.......LOUISIANA.....we need to REPRESENT!!! I will be adding new pictures....yall just need to see for yourselves the fun we had.....the information, the stories, the people....OMG.....AWESOME.......I will be on here forever telling you all the great and wonderful things........BUT you need to go for yourselves.......even if it is not here....GO GO GO !!!! WALK, RUN, DRIVE, FLY.....ANYWAY...GO GO GO !!!!!
ANYWAY....I know I havent been on the brd alot....but I am here for everyone of this whole world....not just one state......

Great news Kim! I know you said that you were out of town Fri, Sat & Sun....but you didn't say that is were you would be. Congrats! on your trip.
I am home from the hospital, Sunday. I had complications on Thursday and had to go into surgery again. But everything turned out great and I feel even better. Hope to hear from you again, and thanks for your call to me.